[doris-future项目疑问] [Enhancement] Add some default value function for doris #34228

2024-05-17 Thread Zeng Siwei
Doris项目组,您好!   我想尝试这个项目https://github.com/apache/doris/issues/34228。   但是其中列出的参考https://github.com/apache/doris/pull/34211显示requested changes。这个项目还需要开发吗?是取消了还是仍有效? 祝好! [https://opengraph.githubassets.com/d84f0690fefc008b5ed85da6284d1e9fcb51c4c15b1d76e4f4734f17bb7e3644/apache/doris/issues/


2024-05-17 Thread llll
您好 我这边使用的一段时间的Doris产品 觉得Doris功能话是很强大的。但是 我在网上系统找有关集群相关的文章 却又少之又少。现在 我有两个主要的问题想请教一下: 1. 如果配置 三节点集群 3个FE,3个BE。如果遇上数据表为分区表并有分桶 ,在多个BE之间 数据在节点机器上是如何存储的?分区分片信息怎么查询? 2. Doris集群 的参数调优 有相关文章或文件说明吗? | | | | chengshao...@yeah.net |

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Doris Spark Connector 1.3.2

2024-05-17 Thread wudi
Here is my +1 (binding) Apache ID: diwu I checked: [x] The download link is legal. [x] The PGP signature are valid. [x] The source code matches the current release version. [x] The LICENSE and NOTICE files are correct. [x] All files carry the necessary protocol header. [x] The compiled content is

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Doris Flink Connector 1.6.1

2024-05-17 Thread wudi
Here is my +1 (binding) Apache ID: diwu I checked: [x] The download link is legal. [x] The PGP signature are valid. [x] The source code matches the current release version. [x] The LICENSE and NOTICE files are correct. [x] All files carry the necessary protocol header. [x] The compiled content is