Re: [de-dev] Buchproject odt and odm files

2006-09-24 Diskussionsfäden Jörg Schmidt
Hello, KAMI schrieb: > Any news about this article? No. I think we must call the publisher for a RTF-File, this file-format (and pdf) is imho the only we can get. But you can use the original PDF-File: Regards Jörg ---

Re: [de-dev] Buchproject odt and odm files

2006-09-24 Diskussionsfäden KAMI
KAMI írta: Hella! Could you be so kind to provede me the Buchproject files in odt and odm format? I would like to include it in my German language Premium builds. I have a small macro that opend the user's manual from help menu. It opens a odt or odm files (so I want to avoid

Re: [de-dev] Buchproject odt and odm files

2006-07-31 Diskussionsfäden KAMI
Andre Schnabel írta: Hi Kami, Szalai Kálmán schrieb: No one can help me? afaik, the files are not ready for publishing yet. They are in a (more or less) special layout to be printed. At the moment they have been sent to the publisher for a final review. We will have files to publish, as s

Re: [de-dev] Buchproject odt and odm files

2006-07-31 Diskussionsfäden Andre Schnabel
Hi Kami, Szalai Kálmán schrieb: No one can help me? afaik, the files are not ready for publishing yet. They are in a (more or less) special layout to be printed. At the moment they have been sent to the publisher for a final review. We will have files to publish, as soon as the books have

Re: [de-dev] Buchproject odt and odm files

2006-07-31 Diskussionsfäden Szalai Kálmán
No one can help me? KAMI KAMI írta: Hella! Could you be so kind to provede me the Buchproject files in odt and odm format? I would like to include it in my German language Premium builds. I have a small macro that opend the user's manual from help menu. It opens a odt or odm

[de-dev] Buchproject odt and odm files

2006-07-30 Diskussionsfäden KAMI
Hella! Could you be so kind to provede me the Buchproject files in odt and odm format? I would like to include it in my German language Premium builds. I have a small macro that opend the user's manual from help menu. It opens a odt or odm files (so I want to avoid the pdf view