Hi Sean,
In case nobody else has replied,
Yes, this would definitely break a whole lot of things. I am not saying that
it is a bad idea, just that the current BinaryTextRelation interface is used
as-is in probably a thousand places, and while some refactoring might be
trivial I wouldn't bet th
Hi Sean,
Can you throw some light on this?
-Original Message-
From: Kean Kaufmann [mailto:k...@recordsone.com]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 8:35 PM
To: dev@ctakes.apache.org
Subject: Re: Query on LabValueFinder
Gandhi, at first blush, I can't replicate your result using
Hi Gandhi,
I know that I just sent an email to the devlist, but that seemed like an item
that had wide-impact. Because of some critical work (job that pays the bills)
I am still "dark" as far as ctakes goes - no free nights and only partial
weekends. My apologies. I know that there are a lot
Guilt is such a powerful motivator ...
The problem is that ctakes traditionally identifies a bunch of those terms as
Medications, not Labs. So, I added a parameter named "useDrugs" to the
LabValueFinder. If you set that to "true" then the Lab/Medication values come
through shining.
I also ad
Hi Sean,
This is phenomenal commitment. I appreciate your dedication and passion. You
are such an inspiration to the open source contributors.
Thanks for taking time out amidst busy schedule and having a look at this. Will
check this change and keep you posted.
Finally found the problem.
I was initially only using the user binaries, which I installed using the
user installation guide (https://cwiki.apache.org/conf
luence/display/CTAKES/cTAKES+4.0+User+Install+Guide) (which instructs
setting the environment variable *CTAKES_HOME=*, maybe you see where thi
Glad I asked. I will try either what you suggested or the similar approach of
adding some code to handle the bare-annotation-as-feature case similarly to how
annotations inside FSArrays are handled.
-Original Message-
From: Finan, Sean [mailto:sean.fi...@childrens.ha
Hi Reed,
In this case, I feel 'CTAKES_HOME' environment variable is not required at all.
Because runPiperCreator.bat considers current directory as 'CTAKES_HOME' if not
That's why it worked fine for me when I tried as I don’t have 'CTAKES_HOME'
environment variable set. I'm not sure w