Do you have any suggestions for something I could look at to help get
beanutils ready for v2?
Meanwhile, I've been looking at improving test coverage of BeanComparator
and I've simplified the internal natural order comparator - PR incoming
I had a look last night at making Quaternion a VALJO.
I've done the following
* changed the constructors to private and added equivalent of methods.
* added a parse method
* altered equals so that (like Complex) it uses Double.equals - gets round
an edge case where Quaternions with the equiva
> > and I have also emailed an ICLA.
> Not received/acknowledged yet.
I am now listed on the "Persons with signed CLAs but who are not (yet)
committers." page.
> > I think two convenience divide methods performing qr^{-1} and r^{-1}q
> > for q
> > and r would be useful, but I couldn't think of n