
2023-06-29 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
Hello. I am a new contributor. Say I am working on a new public method for a class, say, What value do I put in the @since field in the JavaDoc of this method? Thank you for your time

Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069

2023-07-02 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
Hi Elliotte. I never thought of that, but I don't think it is Apache's problem if people exit the java convention On Mon, 3 Jul 2023, 01:02 Elliotte Rusty Harold, wrote: > On Sun, Jul 2, 2023 at 8:53 PM Alex Herbert > wrote: > > > public static boolean isUnchecked(final Throwable throwable)

Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069

2023-07-02 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
I just noticed that the line return !isChecked(throwable) Means that if throwable is null then it will be considered unchecked. I will fix that tomorrow by doing Return throwable ! null && throwable instanceof Exception; On Mon, 3 Jul 2023, 01:20 Gary Gregory, wrote: > Hi Elliotte: > > Might you

Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069

2023-07-03 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
yes. You are right. Closed On Mon, 3 Jul 2023 at 10:12, Gilles Sadowski wrote: > Le lun. 3 juil. 2023 à 09:41, Alex Herbert a > écrit : > > > > On Mon, 3 Jul 2023 at 08:29, sebb wrote: > > > > > > Is null checked or unchecked? > > > > > > I think neither, so isUnchecked also needs to check for

Is there a need for any of these math functions?

2023-07-13 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
GetOrderOfMagnitudeOfNumber. For x < 10 => 0. For x = 10 => 1. For x = 1000 => 3, etc. GetDivisorsOfNumber. For x = 1 => [1]. For x = 20 => [2, 5] GetNumberOfDivisors GetGreatestCommonDivisorOf2NumbersBasedOnTheirFactors i.e. public static ANumber getGreatestCommonDivisorOf2NumbersBasedOnThei

[batch2] is there a need for any of these functions?

2023-07-13 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
DivideAndRemainder which returns a pair of quotient and remainder GetSineInDegrees which converts the input from radians to degrees and then does Math.sin(x) GetCosineInDegrees which converts the input from radians to degrees and then does Math.cos(x) GetTangentInDegrees which converts the input

[batch3] is there a need for any of these functions?

2023-07-13 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
public static Function1x1 differentiate(Function1x1 f) i.e. take x^2 and return the function 2x, not 2x(x0) public static Function1x1 differentiate(Function1x1 f, int orderOfDerivative) i.e. take x^3 and return the function 6x, not 6x(x0) public static Function2x1 getPartialDerivativeOnX(Function2x

[batch4] is there a need for any of these functions?

2023-07-13 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
getNumberOfParallelogramsFormedByPoints(Point[] points) getMinimumNumberOfLinesThatGoThroughPoints(Point pointAllLinesToPassThrough, Point[] points) getManhattanDistance(Point point1, Point point2) getNumberOfHorizontalOrVerticalLineSegmentsToConnectPoints(Point point1, Point point2, Point po

[batch5] is there a need for any of these functions?

2023-07-13 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
convertDegreesToRadians(Number x) convertRadiansToDegrees(Number x) normaliseRadians(Number x) isEquivalentTo(Vector x, Vector y) multiplyComponentWise(Vector x, Vector y) normalise(Vector x) translate(Vector x, Number translationLength) reverseDirection(Vector x) getDisplacementVec

[batch7] is there a need for any of these functions?

2023-07-13 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
getNumberOfNonZeroDiagonalElements(Matrix x) getDiagonal(Matrix x) getRank(Matrix x) getSubmatrix(Matrix x, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromColumn, int toColumn) negate(Matrix x) isZeroMatrix(Matrix x) isIdentityMatrix(Matrix x) getUpperTriangularPart(Matrix x) getLowerTriangularPart(Matrix x)

[batch8] is there a need for any of these functions?

2023-07-13 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
getUnion(Set other) getIntersection(Set other) getDifference(Set other) getSymmetricDifference(Set other) isSubset(Set other) isProperSubset(Set other) getTruthSetFor(Predicate filterToApply) getSizeOfPowerset() getPowerset() isDisjointTo(Set other) getComplementRelativeTo(Set other) getCardinality

Are any of these types of projects needed?

2023-07-13 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
Java-based ECommerce platform Graph and network theory library Operations research or management science or mathematical programming library Calendar library with many useful methods that the java datetime API doesn't provide off-the-shelf Finance library including financial engineering User m

Re: Are any of these types of projects needed?

2023-07-13 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
ki, wrote: > Dimitrios, > > As requested several times, could you please add the "component" > prefix to the "Subject: " line, to signal to the intended audience? > > What's the purpose of the list below? > Are you developing all of those applications? > >

[math] refactoring math4

2023-07-14 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
Hello devs. I need a little help. 1--Say that I want to implement a new feature/function that, technically exists in the math4 or legacy, but it doesn't exist in commons- geometry or commons- numbers. What is the protocol? Do we create a ticket on math4 and put the new code in math4 and ignore the

[statistics] move code from math4.stat to commons-statistics

2023-07-15 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
hello everyone. I noticed that the common-statistics-descriptive module has no code. Does that mean that we should start moving classes from \commons-math\commons-math-legacy\src\main\java\org\apache\commons\math4\legacy\stat\descriptive to \commons-statistics\commons-statistics-descriptive\src\mai

[statistics] move code from math4.stat.regression to commons-statistics-regression

2023-07-15 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
hello everyone. I noticed that the common-statistics-regression module has no code. Does that mean that we should start moving classes from \commons-math\commons-math-legacy\src\main\java\org\apache\commons\math4\legacy\stat\ regression to \commons-statistics\commons-statistics-descriptive\src\main

Move math algorithms from all projects to math libraries

2023-07-16 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
Hello everyone. One thing i would love to do is to go through the apache projects, see which ones already depend on the math library, and see if they implement some math stuff that could be replaced by a call to commons math or move that function to the math library. Would such cases be considered

Re: Move math algorithms from all projects to math libraries

2023-07-16 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
it's OK to fill in the gaps in one component > (Math, Numbers, and so on) but that does not automatically mean that a > dependency will be introduced. For example, it would be odd for Lang or IO > to depend on Math. > > Gary > > On Sun, Jul 16, 2023, 19:55 Dimitrios Ef

Is there a need for a commons-physics project?

2023-07-16 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou

Re: Move math algorithms from all projects to math libraries

2023-07-17 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
Sadowski wrote: > Le lun. 17 juil. 2023 à 02:34, Dimitrios Efthymiou > a écrit : > > > > I didn't say to introduce a dependency on math. I said that libraries > that > > already depend on math, may have math algorithms implemented that we > could > > rep

Re: Move NO algorithms from ANY projects to math libraries

2023-07-17 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
hello. I never said to redesign APIs. I only said that we can move math algorithms from non-math projects, to the math projects On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 at 11:50, Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote: > There are a lot of proposals floating recently to churn the API. I'm > going to move a direct no on all of

Re: Move NO algorithms from ANY projects to math libraries

2023-07-17 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
17, 2023 at 9:21 AM Dimitrios Efthymiou > wrote: > > > > hello. I never said to redesign APIs. I only said that we can > > move math algorithms from non-math projects, to the math projects > > > > No, don't do that. > > Method signatures must not change.

Re: Move math algorithms from all projects to math libraries

2023-07-17 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
/pom.xml On Mon, 17 Jul 2023, 18:39 Gilles Sadowski, wrote: > Le lun. 17 juil. 2023 à 15:19, Dimitrios Ef

Re: Move math algorithms from all projects to math libraries

2023-07-17 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
OK. That is what I need to know. Thank you Gilles On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 at 23:22, Gilles Sadowski wrote: > Le lun. 17 juil. 2023 à 20:49, Dimitrios Efthymiou > a écrit : > > > > All i am saying is that if HBase has a class, say MathUtils and a method > > add(double... n

Re: Move math algorithms from all projects to math libraries

2023-07-17 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
<> arithmetic On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 at 23:22, Gilles Sadowski wrote: > Le lun. 17 juil. 2023 à 20:49, Dimitrios Efthymiou > a écrit : > > > > All i am saying is that if HBase has a class, say MathUtils and a method

Re: Move math algorithms from all projects to math libraries

2023-07-17 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
DD or just implement the high/low part, add, multiply and checks for overflows? On Tue, 18 Jul 2023, 00:53 Gilles Sadowski, wrote: > Le mar. 18 juil. 2023 à 00:38, Dimitrios Efthymiou > a écrit : > > > > good to know. I also see > >

Re: Move math algorithms from all projects to math libraries

2023-07-18 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
Absolutely. Thanks On Tue, 18 Jul 2023, 07:39 Alex Herbert, wrote: > On Tue, 18 Jul 2023 at 01:48, Dimitrios Efthymiou > wrote: > > > > Thanks Gilles. I checked NUMBERS-193 and i have an implementation of DD > and > > i will put it in *.ext package (TBD) along wi

Re: Move math algorithms from all projects to math libraries

2023-07-18 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
module? Where is the document with the precise requirements and instructions? On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 at 18:39, Gilles Sadowski wrote: > Le lun. 17 juil. 2023 à 15:19, Dimitrios Efthymiou > a écrit : > > > > I don't have specific functionality in mind. > > You menti

[math] clustering package migration

2023-07-18 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
Hello everyone. Question about the clustering package. I started moving the package out of math legacy to a new module comons-math-clustering. There are some dependencies to legacy exceptions and the distance subpackage. Is there a roadmap for how to do this with instructions, T

[math] legac ml.distance package migration

2023-07-18 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
Hello everyone. I am working on the modularisation of the legacy ml.clustering package to a new module: commons-math-clustering. Some clustering classes depend on stat.moment.Variance and some of the ml.distance classes. 1--those distances belong to geometry probably and not machine learning. Manh

[math] JIRA ticket for modularisation of all 14 legacy packages

2023-07-18 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
Hello everyone. Is there, or gonna be, a dedicated ticket for the modularisation of all 14 packages commons-math-legacy has? I think that some of them are easy to modularise like optimisation, special and filter

Re: [math] JIRA ticket for modularisation of all 14 legacy packages

2023-07-19 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
t; Hello. > > Le mer. 19 juil. 2023 à 02:33, Dimitrios Efthymiou > a écrit : > > > > Hello everyone. Is there, or gonna be, a dedicated ticket for the > > modularisation of all 14 packages commons-math-legacy has? > > >

Re: [math] JIRA ticket for modularisation of all 14 legacy packages

2023-07-19 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
now how to continue with the clustering modularisation given all those dependencies. Maybe I shouldn't have started this, because now I am stuck On Wed, 19 Jul 2023 at 11:36, Gilles Sadowski wrote: > Hello. > > Le mer. 19 juil. 2023 à 11:21, Dimitrios Efthymiou > a écrit : > >

Re: [math] JIRA ticket for modularisation of all 14 legacy packages

2023-07-19 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
erm. Do you mean Java 9 modules as defined by the > JPMS? > > On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 12:33 AM Dimitrios Efthymiou > wrote: > > > > Hello everyone. Is there, or gonna be, a dedicated ticket for the > > modularisation of all 14 packages commons-math-legacy has? I thin

Re: [math] JIRA ticket for modularisation of all 14 legacy packages

2023-07-19 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
kages together > > Debugging the problems this will cause is difficult and painful, even > for someone well-versed in Maven dependency management. > > On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 11:37 AM Dimitrios Efthymiou > wrote: > > > > no. I mean creating maven modules inside commons-m

Re: [math] JIRA ticket for modularisation of all 14 legacy packages

2023-07-20 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
, 20 Jul 2023 at 15:27, Gilles Sadowski wrote: > Hello. > > Le mer. 19 juil. 2023 à 12:59, Dimitrios Efthymiou > a écrit : > > > > [...] > > 1-- [...] > > 2--As for the atomic refactoring and feature branch, well, > > unless someone moves the Variance cl

Re: [math] JIRA ticket for modularisation of all 14 legacy packages

2023-07-20 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
:19, Dimitrios Efthymiou > a écrit : > > > > are you saying that in order to move the ml.clustering classes > > to the new clustering module, I can take all the dependencies to classes > > and their transitive dependencies, copy them to the new clustering > module, >

Re: [math] JIRA ticket for modularisation of all 14 legacy packages

2023-07-20 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
On Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 22:40 Gilles Sadowski, wrote: > Le jeu. 20 juil. 2023 à 23:28, Dimitrios Efthymiou > a écrit : > > > > Unfortunately, i just tried a simple move, but there are deoendencies on > 3 > > distance classes > > But... those classes are only used

Re: [math] JIRA ticket for modularisation of all 14 legacy packages

2023-07-20 Thread Dimitrios Efthymiou
Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 22:40 Gilles Sadowski, wrote: > Le jeu. 20 juil. 2023 à 23:28, Dimitrios Efthymiou > a écrit : > > > > Unfortunately, i just tried a simple move, but there are deoendencies on > 3 > > distance classes > > But... those classes are only used