I'd like to discuss the next steps for moving the Chimera component to
Apache Commons. So far, none of the other PMC members has expressed his or
her thoughts about this. If nobody brings up objections about moving the
component to Apache Commons, I'm assuming lazy consensus about this.
So th
Hi Benedikt,
I think it would be better for the projects health if it uses github issues
On 02/20/2016 05:15 AM, Benedikt Ritter wrote:
I'd like to discuss the next steps for moving the Chimera component to
Apache Commons. So far, none of the other PMC members has expr
On 2016-02-16, Bear Giles wrote:
> I can create test files. (I still need to create some PKWare test files as
> well...).
This would be good.
> I also need to figure out a way to extract the encrypted content to I
> can verify my implementation of the crypto logic itself. I think that
> will jus
Le 20/02/2016 12:15, Benedikt Ritter a écrit :
> Anything missing?
Define the scope of the project? Do we go after Bouncy Castle and aim
for an equivalent feature set?
Emmanuel Bourg
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Who are the committers comming along for this component?
Do we have enough of them?
I like Apache Commons Crypto.
On Feb 20, 2016 3:15 AM, "Benedikt Ritter" wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to discuss the next steps for moving the Chimera component to
> Apache Commons. So far, none of the other
Hi Benedikt,
Thank you for the Next steps discussion. I thought of pinging you on this
Here I would like to introduce Haifeng, who lead the efforts in Chimera
github project.
I think Apache Commons Crypto looks good and self descriptive IMO.
I am +1
Me and Haifeng had some discussion
Hi [compress]:
[cross-posting log4j dev and commons dev]
Any thoughts on:
org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.CompressorException: Could not
create CompressorInputStream.