Re: [validator] Commons Validator 1.4.0 release

2012-01-03 Thread Simone Tripodi
Hi Nick, I can help you for cutting the RC, I'll start to have a look at [validator] stuff tonight. best, -Simo On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 5:21 AM, Nick Burch wro

Re: [validator] Commons Validator 1.4.0 release

2012-01-03 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 3 Jan 2012, Simone Tripodi wrote: I can help you for cutting the RC, I'll start to have a look at [validator] stuff tonight. Great, thanks! The patches to fix the last vote issues are in JIRA Nick - To unsubscribe, e-

Re: [math] Help understanding lower/upper/initialDomain in AbstractContinuousDistribution

2012-01-03 Thread David Erickson
2012/1/2 Sébastien Brisard : > Hi David, > 2012/1/2 David Erickson : >> Hi all- >> I'm new to using the Math package but it looks great.  I need a couple >> distributions that aren't currently included, one as an example is the >> Generalized Extreme Value distribution >> (

Re: [math] Help understanding lower/upper/initialDomain in AbstractContinuousDistribution

2012-01-03 Thread Sébastien Brisard
> > Thanks, I was able to get it to work.  I could use 3.0 and in fact was > looking to use it but didn't see a 3.0 snapshot in Maven, is there a > Maven repo available receiving these snapshots? > > -David > You must check out the latest source from the SVN repository

Re: [math] Help understanding lower/upper/initialDomain in AbstractContinuousDistribution

2012-01-03 Thread Gilles Sadowski
Hello. > > > > Thanks, I was able to get it to work.  I could use 3.0 and in fact was > > looking to use it but didn't see a 3.0 snapshot in Maven, is there a > > Maven repo available receiving these snapshots?

Re: [VOTE] Release Commons Pool 1.6-RC2

2012-01-03 Thread Gary Gregory
+1. My env: Apache Maven 3.0.3 (r1075438; 2011-02-28 12:31:09-0500) Maven home: C:\Java\apache-maven-3.0.3\bin\.. Java version: 1.6.0_29, vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252 OS name: "windows 7", version:

Re: [validator] Commons Validator 1.4.0 release

2012-01-03 Thread Raminderjeet Singh
Thanks Nick and Simone for the help. I can help to verify the build when its ready. Please let me know if i can help elsewhere. Raminder On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 4:22 AM, Nick Burch wrote: > On Tue, 3 Jan 2012, Simone Tripodi wrote: > >> I can help you for cutting the RC, I'll start to have a loo

Re: [sanselan] ColorConversionsTest failure

2012-01-03 Thread Matt Benson
Ping, any of the sanselan/imaging guys want to tackle this? Matt On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 6:55 AM, Emmanuel Bourg wrote: > Le 21/12/2011 13:49, Gary Gregory a écrit : > > >> Sorry, that kind of feels like passing the buck here ;) I wish I could >> recall a French equivalent! :) > > > Yeah that's

Re: svn commit: r1226175 - in /commons/proper/pool/tags/POOL_1_6_RC2: ./ src/changes/ src/java/org/apache/commons/pool/ src/java/org/apache/commons/pool/impl/ src/site/ src/site/xdoc/ src/test/org/apa

2012-01-03 Thread sebb
On 31 December 2011 18:59, wrote: > Author: ggregory > Date: Sat Dec 31 18:59:42 2011 > New Revision: 1226175 > > URL: > Log: > Create commons-pool-1.6-RC2 tag What command did you use to create the tag? The commit message is rather confusing, a

[continuum] BUILD FAILURE: Apache Commons - Apache Commons Digester - Default Maven 2 Build Definition (Java 1.5)

2012-01-03 Thread Continuum@vmbuild
Online report : Build statistics: State: Failed Previous State: Ok Started at: Tue 3 Jan 2012 23:42:33 + Finished at: Tue 3 Jan 2012 23:43:13 + Total time: 40s Build Trigger: Schedule Build Num

[math] Serializable transforms (MATH-677)?

2012-01-03 Thread Sébastien Brisard
Hi, I'm currently working on MATH-677 (cleaning-up o.a.c.m.transforms). I notice that all classes in this package implement Serializable. I'm wondering whether there is a practical use for this. If not, I would rather remove this functionality. What do you think? Sébastien --

Re: [math] Serializable transforms (MATH-677)?

2012-01-03 Thread Gilles Sadowski
On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 02:21:25AM +0100, Sébastien Brisard wrote: > Hi, > I'm currently working on MATH-677 (cleaning-up o.a.c.m.transforms). I > notice that all classes in this package implement Serializable. I'm > wondering whether there is a practical use for this. If not, I would > rather remo

[GUMP@vmgump]: Project commons-digester3 (in module apache-commons) failed

2012-01-03 Thread Gump
To whom it may engage... This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For more information please visit, and/or contact the folk at Project commons-digester3 has an issue affecting its community integration. This i

[GUMP@vmgump]: Project commons-exec-test (in module apache-commons) failed

2012-01-03 Thread Gump
To whom it may engage... This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For more information please visit, and/or contact the folk at Project commons-exec-test has an issue affecting its community integration. This i

[GUMP@vmgump]: Project commons-sanselan-test (in module apache-commons) failed

2012-01-03 Thread Gump
To whom it may engage... This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For more information please visit, and/or contact the folk at Project commons-sanselan-test has an issue affecting its community integration. Th

[math] best location for double[] sample(UnivariateFunction, double, double, int)?

2012-01-03 Thread Sébastien Brisard
Hi, In o.a.c.m.transform.FastFourierTransformer, a static method double[] sample(UnivariateFunction f, double min, double max, int n) is implemented. Obviously, this method could be useful elsewhere in CM. I'm wondering where I should move it to? Options I can think of are 1. org.apache.commons.mat

[GUMP@vmgump]: Project commons-proxy-test (in module apache-commons) failed

2012-01-03 Thread Gump
To whom it may engage... This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For more information please visit, and/or contact the folk at Project commons-proxy-test has an issue affecting its community integration. This