Hello Gary,
not sure why this has not been fixed before. Anyway, I added one header
and excluded the test files which have only trivial content. I also
made sure the RAT report does not depend on include-sendbox profile.
With this revision the RAT reports now show no unknown licenses anymore:
Hi All,
The RAT report needs to be clean IMO before we start a release.
Each file must be excluded in the POM with a comment (IMO) as to why it is
OK to exclude, or that file must be dealt with somehow (add header, remove,
who knows).
On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 9:08 PM, Bernd Eckenfels
currently the RAT report shows 20 text files and a few archives (all
test data) with unknown license.
Can we add that to some exclude, is it ok to keep the files in the RAT
report or do I need to do something else before release?
20 Unknown Licenses