Re: [pool] potential new method for interface ObjectPool

2011-02-02 Thread zoly farkas
Done: - Original Message From: Phil Steitz To: Commons Developers List Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 2:18:52 PM Subject: Re: [pool] potential new method for interface ObjectPool On 2/2/11 1:46 PM, zoly farkas wrote: > Would it

[pool] potential new method for interface ObjectPool

2011-02-02 Thread zoly farkas
Would it be possible to add a method: void returnAndValidateObject(T obj) throws Exception In general I was thinking of the following use case: Object o = pool.borrowObject(); try {     .     o.doStuff();     .     pool.returnObject(o); } catch(Exception e) {     // not sure what

issues with org.apache.commons.pool2.performance. PerformanceTest

2011-01-19 Thread zoly farkas
the use volatiles : waiting,complete,totalBorrowTime, totalReturnTime, nrSamples is not correct. for ex the following totalBorrowTime += borrowTime is not atomic resulting in a race condition. one way to fix this is using the java.util.concurent Atomic variants or even better, make these var