Reflection does handle checked exceptions for Constructor.newInstance() and
this is handled appropriately for:
public ArchiveInputStream createArchiveInputStream( final String
archiverName, final InputStream out ) throws ArchiveException {...}
However, the other method:
public ArchiveInputSt
Agreed. I was personally confused and lost many hours working on a non-valid
From: "Torsten Curdt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 10:10 AM
To: "Commons Developers List"
Subject: [compress] making the redesign br
Good morning,
Out of curiosity why must reflection be used for the create*Stream() methods in
the ArchiveStreamFactory and CompressorStreamFactory? There is a cast at the
end of each method to a corresponding interface anyway (ex ArchiveInputStream,
ArchiveOutputStream, etc) so why cant we use