>> Thank you for help,
>> Markus
>> -
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need be, I can create my own
> branch.
> -
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Simone GianniCEO Semeru s.r.l.
braries out there that depend on commons-* and you may need older
> versions on your classpath to get them to work.
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Simone Gianni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> non binding +1 for moving to new versions supporting J
> in the JDK 1.5 features that don't break
>>> compatibility and building up
>>> a list of possible changes that do. Then we make the
>>> decision on
>>> whether compatibility-breaking features seem worth
>>> it. If it is, then
e in the lab it took me several
hours (to understand better how it works, you can find test classes here
Simone GianniCEO Semeru s.r.l. Apache Commi
>> James later wrote some code to do this, which is in a
>> branch of Commons Proxy. I think we should add
>> something similar to the reflect subpackage (in trunk)
>> of the [lang] component, given the fact that BeanUtils
ings = new ArrayList();
> Class returnType = getReturnType(strings.getClass(), "get", int.class);
> I want the "returnType" to be java.lang.String. Does anyone have code
> that would return that? Is it possible?
> ------
Probably I'm saying something stupid, but can't you just pass your input
XML in an XSLT and transform it to a form suitable to your needs? If you
just need to move blocks of XML from outside to inside other blocks it
should not be difficult.
Robert Lee wrote:
> I am parsing an xml file to
> leaks)
> -----
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Simone Gianni
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