> I just subscribe for mailing list,
Welcome to the mailing list!
> And can I register for news group and how?
Actually, I don't know, but this mailing list is anyway a good place
to discuss the code.
> but in fact what I want is to send an issue report to your developer.
For that, we hav
> I'm also interested in helping, and have contributed a few patches.
> Unfortunately, as Stephen indicated, because there aren't many
> interested committers, patches tend to languish for a while before
> anyone has time to look at them. A few weeks ago, someone looked at
> the patch I submitted
> Tickets and patches - see
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COLLECTIONS/fixforversion/12312131.
> Thanks for the interest - look forward to your input. Apologies in
> advance for the speed ... I'm the only real committer at the moment, and
> do not have much time to spare - however, I am
> We are, slowly, beginning such efforts.
> Towards your specific question about Commons Collections, see this
> branch (long URL, may get fragmented):
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/collections/branches/collections_jdk5_branch/
> -Rahul
If I'd like to contribute, what's
that implements such?
Rijk van Haaften