Yes it is, but siphash is in part a Mac.
El sáb., 23 nov. 2019 a las 9:46, Alex Herbert ()
> While going through the MurmurHash3 code I noted that the wikipedia page
> states that it can be sensitive to some types of collision. The was shown
> by the authors of SipHash [1].
le API
> cannot be used for the implementation of cryto using HSM?
> Thanks,
> Haifeng
> From: Giorgio Zoppi [mailto:giorgio.zo...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 3:48 AM
> To: dev@commons.apache.org
> Subject: [CRYPTO] High level API for Common crypto
Dear all,
I have been really happy to see an effort for a crypto api in apache.org,
so i decided to provide for comment a design of an high level. Many
cryptosystem around the world are using hardware security modules so the
idea to integrate the that in an opensource api is pretty cool. In the