[NOTICE] Mandatory relocation of Apache git repositories on git-wip-us.apache.org

2018-12-07 Thread Daniel Gruno
[IF YOUR PROJECT DOES NOT HAVE GIT REPOSITORIES ON GIT-WIP-US PLEASE DISREGARD THIS EMAIL; IT WAS MASS-MAILED TO ALL APACHE PROJECTS] Hello Apache projects, I am writing to you because you may have git repositories on the git-wip-us server, which is slated to be decommissioned in the coming mon

Re: Downloading failed for Apache Commons Exec

2015-02-20 Thread Daniel Gruno
(Adding Commons' dev list as well as original poster) Hi Apache Commons, Please fix your download page(s) by setting the execute bit on your CGI files and committing the changes to subversion. This is not a new error, but it is one we have previously fixed manually. We are however not doing tha