[GUMP@vmgump]: Project commons-attributes (in module apache-commons) failed

2011-02-14 Thread Gump
To whom it may engage... This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For more information please visit http://gump.apache.org/nagged.html, and/or contact the folk at gene...@gump.apache.org. Project commons-attributes has an issue affecting its community integration. This

Re: [lang] propse new ObjectExistsException extends IllegalArgumentException

2011-02-14 Thread thomas menzel
sure, anywhere where u want to store objects and where u might not want to allow the addition of "same" objects such as in registries, caches, collections. often they are underpinned with internal sets or maps and at times it is better to signal the client the hard way (ie. via a proper excepti

[GUMP@vmgump]: Project commons-vfs2-test (in module apache-commons) failed

2011-02-14 Thread Gump
To whom it may engage... This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For more information please visit http://gump.apache.org/nagged.html, and/or contact the folk at gene...@gump.apache.org. Project commons-vfs2-test has an issue affecting its community integration. This i

[GUMP@vmgump]: Project commons-proxy-test (in module apache-commons) failed

2011-02-14 Thread Gump
To whom it may engage... This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For more information please visit http://gump.apache.org/nagged.html, and/or contact the folk at gene...@gump.apache.org. Project commons-proxy-test has an issue affecting its community integration. This

[GUMP@vmgump]: Project commons-jelly-tags-quartz (in module commons-jelly) failed

2011-02-14 Thread Gump
To whom it may engage... This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For more information please visit http://gump.apache.org/nagged.html, and/or contact the folk at gene...@gump.apache.org. Project commons-jelly-tags-quartz has an issue affecting its community integratio

[GUMP@vmgump]: Project commons-scxml-test (in module apache-commons) failed

2011-02-14 Thread Gump
To whom it may engage... This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For more information please visit http://gump.apache.org/nagged.html, and/or contact the folk at gene...@gump.apache.org. Project commons-scxml-test has an issue affecting its community integration. This

[GUMP@vmgump]: Project commons-exec-test (in module apache-commons) failed

2011-02-14 Thread Gump
To whom it may engage... This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For more information please visit http://gump.apache.org/nagged.html, and/or contact the folk at gene...@gump.apache.org. Project commons-exec-test has an issue affecting its community integration. This i