To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For
more information please visit,
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project commons-configuration has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issu
This vote has passed, with the following +1 votes:
Luc Maisonobe (I think; I did not interpret his
comment as a blocker)
Oliver Heger
Emmanuel Bourg
Matt Benson
Jorg Schaible
--and no +0 or -1 votes. Thanks again!
P.S. Now, who wants to guide me through the remainder
of this process, bes
Online report :
Build statistics:
State: Failed
Previous State: Failed
Started at: Mon 11 Aug 2008 05:59:58 -0700
Finished at: Mon 11 Aug 2008 06:01:02 -0700
Total time: 1m 4s
Build Trigger: Schedule