1). yes, it will resemble the javamail api to a great extent. but we can
provide more convenient methods than the api.
2). I am not clear what do you mean by ' a Email can send itself'? could you
provide some kind of code snippet?
On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Siegfried Goeschl <
Niall Pemberton wrote:
I'd like to release commons-build-plugin 1.0 based on rc2.
The main differences from rc1 are improvements/corrections to the
templates suggested by Dennis - the following links provide examples
of the files generated by the templates:
Thank you for your help. I tried to use setDataTimeout and still got time
out. I changed the timeout value for both FTPClient.setDataTimeout(timeout)
MySocketFactory.setConnectTimeout(timeout ). But the actual time out is
always same and is not affected by the value I set
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For
more information please visit http://gump.apache.org/nagged.html,
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Project commons-jelly-tags-jaxme has an issue affecting its community
Niall Pemberton wrote:
> I don't think this works with the release plugin - which is another
> reason for doing it manually - one thing the plugin does is re-name
> the scm entries in the pom.xml to reflect the tag.
This is why Maven folks meanwhile use a stage plugin with a staging area.