Well, I have movies recorded with a Panasonic Camera (.MTS extension)
and I have some issues (Karmic x86 and x86_64, two very different
- Nautilus doesn't generate a preview thumbnail. I did some mime-type hack (I
can't remember what exactly) and now Nautilus does thumbnails. I don't k
Hi, just to add a "me too" comment. I have Brasero 0.9.1 installed from
backports in intrepid x86_64 and nautilus appears mostly in spanish (my
Gnome language), but with some strings in english. Please take a look at
the screenshot I've attached.
For example, these strings are wrong:
- "File Brows
In maverick I'm getting the same behavior. And changing the fstab entry
to /dev/sdx it's not really a fix, because you lose the advantages of
using UUID info for identifying partitions instead.
I'm attaching a screenshot of nautilus showing two duplicated
"Informacion" entries. The left entry (fro