[Bug 58141] Re: [Bug 58141] Re: Evince cannot display ps file

2006-08-30 Thread psl
Sebastien, try to display barcodewriter.ps document. I guess that your error example is from sample.ps. I am not sure how postrcript works but you can get valid document when you merge barcode.ps and sample.ps; sample.ps uses some definitions from barcode.ps. I got the same error as you when I t

[Bug 58141] Re: [Bug 58141] Re: Evince cannot display ps file

2006-08-30 Thread psl
Sebastien, I tried it on two different PCs. I installed on one of them gs-gpl and after that I was able to see ps document. I report this as I miss error message in Evince that something is wrong. Without message it is difficult for unexperienced user to fix it (like instaling some missing gs pac