So far things booted up fine. Since this was an intermittent (albeit often)
issue, it will take a few days of my use to fully evaluate.
I'll keep you posted.
On Sun, Aug 9, 2020 at 11:03 PM phil marsh wrote:
> Will do and thanks again for your help!
Will do and thanks again for your help!
On Sun, Aug 9, 2020, 10:45 PM Daniel van Vugt <1890...@bugs.launchpad.net>
> Yes please do try Nvidia driver 440. And certainly don't upgrade the
> whole OS unless you can afford the time and risk.
> If the problem persists then please run the comm
Hi Daniel,
Thanks so much for your email and for your efforts looking into this for me!
The idea of upgrading to 20.04 is well-taken but involves substantial
effort to bring up my servers. Therefore, I will first try upgrading my
Nvidia to say libnvidia-cfg1-440 and libnvidia-common-440 etc bec