Need more confirmation? I can reproduce this bug aswell.
Ubuntu 8.04.1 (AMD 64bit), Geforce 8600GT (nvidia driver from repos),
using metacity compositing.
fade when logging out doesn't work properly with metacity compositor
You received this bug notifica
the Gstreamer-FFmpeg Plugin v 0.10.3 seems to greatly improve it, must be
related to this fix:
But some movies still are jerky.
totem -stuttering/bad performance with mp4 video
You received this bug no
I can confirm this bug.
Im using Ubuntu 7.10 (AMD64) on a Athlon X2 4800+
same symptoms, if I open a video with a h264 Stream, it stutters badly (drops
alot of frames) like its been played back at 4-5 FPS. Audio plays back smooth
and CPU utilization never goes above 15%. "Older" Mpeg4-Streams (