Re: Bug#1072720: libglib2.0-0: Following fix #1070745, typing `A keys doesn't type an À anymore

2024-06-09 Thread grunt2
‌ $ cat /etc/default/keyboard # KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION FILE # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page. XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="fr" XKBVARIANT="azerty" XKBOPTIONS="compose:menu" BACKSPACE="guess" $ dconf dump /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/ [/] show-all-sources=false sources=[('xkb', 'fr+azert

Re: Bug#1072720: libglib2.0-0: Following fix #1070745, typing `A keys doesn't type an À anymore

2024-06-09 Thread grunt2
The idea that my layout could have changed was pertinent: I did a $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration chose pc105 with AZERTY AFNOR $ cat /etc/default/keyboard I've did a reconfiguration of my keyboard an now I have XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="fr" XKBVARIANT="afnor" XKBOPTIONS="" BAC

Re: Bug#1072720: libglib2.0-0: Following fix #1070745, typing `A keys doesn't type an À anymore

2024-06-10 Thread grunt2
I've chosen another configuration to regain the exclamation mark with sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration Among GNOME settings, I have three choices available: Français Français Azerty Français Azerty (AFNOR) the two firsts displays with ` under the 7 (and Français as also an 1/8 sign at

Re: Bug#1072720: libglib2.0-0: Following fix #1070745, typing `A keys doesn't type an À anymore

2024-06-10 Thread grunt2
It ‌was difficult to find in the Gnome Settings, but yes, you're right : there's a French(legacy,variant) that can be reached and should be taken to have the dead keys back. So it isn't a bug, eventually, that I've encountered. Except that I don't understand how my keyboard might have changed i