Bug#11147: This is amazing Sat, 30 Apr 2005 03:18:51 -0600

2005-04-30 Thread Marquita Little
To: Travis I was checking my email and saw this advertisement in it. just like you I = was thinking this stuff will not work its all a gimmic.. but even with my other half telling me im wast= ing my money I went ahead and purchased it. and I can tell you right now with a straight face im big=

Bug#22506: Hey remember i told you about this Shaun

2005-04-30 Thread Angelita Quinn
To: Ulysses I was checking my email and saw this advertisement in it. just like you I = was thinking this stuff will not work its all a gimmic.. but even with my other half telling me im wast= ing my money I went ahead and purchased it. and I can tell you right now with a straight face im big=


2005-04-30 Thread Yahoo!グループ
$B$3$s$K$A$O!"(BYahoo!$B%0%k!<%W(B$B$G$9!#(B (B (B[cocoro-net]$B%0%k!<%W$X$N;[EMAIL PROTECTED](B (B[EMAIL PROTECTED]"%0%k!<%W$X$N;22CC$7$?$$(B $B$3$N%a!<%k$rL5;k$7$F$/[EMAIL PROTECTED]l9g$O$=$N$^$^:o=|$7$F$/[EMAIL PROTECTED](B $B!!%3%s%T%e!<%?%&%$%k%9$N1F6A$G!"$"$J$?$N%a!<%k%"%I%l%9$,

Bug#45291: This is amazing Sat, 30 Apr 2005 05:48:46 -0600

2005-04-30 Thread Donnell Villegas
To: Claude I was checking my email and saw this advertisement in it. just like you I = was thinking this stuff will not work its all a gimmic.. but even with my other half telling me im wast= ing my money I went ahead and purchased it. and I can tell you right now with a straight face im big=

Bug#24192: Hey remember i told you about this Valerie

2005-04-30 Thread Clarence London
To: Raquel I was checking my email and saw this advertisement in it. just like you I = was thinking this stuff will not work its all a gimmic.. but even with my other half telling me im wast= ing my money I went ahead and purchased it. and I can tell you right now with a straight face im big=

Lower Fuel Consumption 8Vlgd

2005-04-30 Thread Tony Erickson
Introducing New revolutionary "Fuel Saver" for cars! - Save up to 27% on gas...Guuarantee! - Reduces emission by 43% - Maximizes energy and power - Prolong spark plug lifespan - Maintenance free - Fits for all types of cars - Used by millions of car owners worldwide Satisfaction guarranteee of