Bug#317436: xserver-xfree86: It's not configuring XF86Config-4 right for pt_BR

2005-07-08 Thread Frans Pop
reassign 317436 localization-config thanks On Friday 08 July 2005 14:59, Marco Tulio Gontijo e Silva wrote: > I don't know if this is the right package for sending this bug, because > it's a problem with debian installation. This setting is made by the localization-config package, so reassigning

Processed: Re: Bug#317436: xserver-xfree86: It's not configuring XF86Config-4 right for pt_BR

2005-07-08 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > reassign 317436 localization-config Bug#317436: xserver-xfree86: It's not configuring XF86Config-4 right for pt_BR Bug reassigned from package `xserver-xfree86' to `localization-config'. > thanks Stopping processing here. Ple