Come join me on Government Lists - U.S. | Canada

2009-12-09 Thread
Government Lists - U.S. | Canada: REACH YOUR KEY GOVERNMENT AUDIENCE EASILY! I welcome you to join me on this business network. REACH YOUR KEY GOVERNMENT AUDIENCE EASILY! Click the link below to Join:

a laud to the x-team / field report

2006-07-06 Thread Tomas Pospisek's Mailing Lists
I want to laud the people, especially David and Michel (as the most visible ones) and upstream for the fine packaging. This is the first software update in a long, long, long time (or ever?) that has subjectively made my rather legacy system [1] faster and snappier. Thanks to all of you

Bug#376100: xserver-xorg-video-nv: nv driver blocks every imput device on my debian box

2006-06-30 Thread Tomas Pospisek's Mailing Lists
On Fri, 30 Jun 2006, Joshua Dunamis wrote: When I use nv driver in xorg.conf and I use X, after some minutes my system is blocked in every input device: my keybord, my mouse and the monitor is completly unusable. I must use the power button (using acpid) to power off the system and the monito

List 'slug' closed to public posts

2004-04-03 Thread Listar Mailing List Mangler
Notice -- A message was recently received from your email address, addressed to the mailing list SLUG. Our list server does not recognize you as a list member (as identified by email address). Messages from non-members are "moderated", which means that your message will be posted af

A sua janela para o mundo

2002-12-16 Thread mailing
Title:  Registo | Ajuda | Contacto | Privacidade | Condições de utilização

A sua janela para o mundo

2002-12-16 Thread mailing
Title:  Registo | Ajuda | Contacto | Privacidade | Condições de utilização

Boas Férias

2002-07-04 Thread mailing -- A maior loja Portuguesa de acessórios e telemóveis Qualidade e garantia de um bom serviço -- Esta semana NÂO PERCA: * * CAMPANHA DE VERÃO * * Na compra de uma Bolsa 100% pe

Boas Férias

2002-07-04 Thread mailing -- A maior loja Portuguesa de acessórios e telemóveis Qualidade e garantia de um bom serviço -- Esta semana NÂO PERCA: * * CAMPANHA DE VERÃO * * Na compra de uma Bolsa 1


2002-06-26 Thread mailing
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2002-06-26 Thread mailing
Content-type:text/html";>"; width="580" height="49"> http://ww


2002-06-26 Thread mailing";>"; width="580" height="93">

Novidades: Receba uma antena interna para o seu telemovel

2002-05-12 Thread mailing
alteração. A BitBit Online suportará integralmente os custos deste aumento, não sobrecarregando assim os seus clientes. Nota: Esta newsletter é enviada a todos os endereços registados pelos utilizadores na nossa mailing list ou registados no nosso site. Caso não pretenda

Novidades: Receba uma antena interna para o seu telemovel

2002-05-12 Thread mailing
qualquer alteração. A BitBit Online suportará integralmente os custos deste aumento, não sobrecarregando assim os seus clientes. Nota: Esta newsletter é enviada a todos os endereços registados pelos utilizadores na nossa mailing list ou registados no nosso site

Get guaranteed traffic to your website today @ incredible prices

2001-10-22 Thread mailing
Are you looking for effective traffic to your website? Look no further... ** For the first time on the Internet, offers you a centralised means or ordering high-quality traffic, with a members area wher

Get guaranteed traffic to your website today @ incredible prices

2001-10-22 Thread mailing
Are you looking for effective traffic to your website? Look no further... ** For the first time on the Internet, offers you a centralised means or ordering high-quality traffic, with a members area whe