Bug#586515: x11-xkb-utils: Gnome login pops up error and loses changes to keyboard map

2010-06-20 Thread Greg Kochanski
Package: x11-xkb-utils Version: 7.5+2 Severity: normal On login, I get an error pop-up which contains the following recommendation: "If you report this situation as a bug, please include: - The result of xprop -root | grep XKB - The result of gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/

Bug#302685: An explanation

2006-01-11 Thread Greg Kochanski
The problem turned out to be a mixture of two causes: 1) A bug in my .bash_profile, and 2) a vulnerability in X (a design flaw). In my .bash_profile, I had lines in the form of set line_oriented_history=on These lines should have been in my .inputrc, instead. When placed in .bash_profile, they

Bug#302685: x11-common: Lines in by .bashrc appear in .xsession-errors (!)

2006-01-10 Thread Greg Kochanski
Package: x11-common Version: 6.8.2.dfsg.1-11 Followup-For: Bug #302685 I also removed gdm and replaced it with kdm, and I get lines in my .bashrc appearing as little error pop-ups during desktop initialization and in the .xsession-errors file (excerpt follows). I had added these lines to /etc/kde

Bug#347481: Forgotten quotes around argument in 20x11-common_process-args

2006-01-10 Thread Greg Kochanski
Package: x11-common Version: 6.8.2.dfsg.1-11 Severity: normal Around 36 lines into 20x11-common_process-args, the following code is missing some quotes around the $1: STARTUP_FULL_PATH=$(which $1 || true) If $1 should contain a space, then all heck would break loose. -- System Information: Debi

Bug#230173: /usr/X11R6/bin/xclock: It's behind the time, on average.

2004-01-28 Thread Greg Kochanski
Package: xbase-clients Version: 4.2.1-12.1 Severity: minor File: /usr/X11R6/bin/xclock When xclock updates the display, it updates to the current time. Then it waits (for 1 minute, by default). At the end of the minute, xclock is 1 minute slow. Thus, on average, xclock is 30 seconds behind the