Formatting of Social Contract

2005-06-07 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
;d be possible to use CSS underlining also. What do you think? -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: In Finnish pages: "etch will be released 6.6.2005"

2005-06-08 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
s seems to be fixed now. Thanks for reporting. -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: none

2005-06-15 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
linked from the end of each page. Especially you should be careful to set correct english preferences, and if it doesn't help, your or your ISP's web proxy might cause problems, but the page I mentioned should help in these issues. Hope this helps. -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBS

Patch to

2000-07-13 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
revision 1.8 diff -u -r1.8 --- 2000/07/09 01:09:08 1.8 +++ 2000/07/13 08:42:46 @@ -2,6 +2,12 @@ # This is GPL'ed code, copyright 1998 Paolo Molaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. +# 2000-07-06 Tommi Vainikainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> + +# I modifie

Bug#67468: intro/why_debian.html talks about apt replacing dselect hopefully before slink

2000-07-19 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
Package: Version: N/A; Severity: normal Quote from the end of the page>: "Dselect (the front end to Debian's packaging system) is confusing to learn." This is an active area of work. It is hoped that the new package manager, apt, will be

Bug#67770: w.d.o/2.0 has obsolete link to slink page

2000-07-26 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
Package: Version: N/A; Severity: normal I don't know if there is any link to this page (w.d.o/2.0/) but maybe it should be fixed anyway. In first chapter, there is link to slink, but link should point to "../releases/slink/", not "../slink/". -- System Information Debian Release:

Re: anon cvs access to wml sources

2000-07-27 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
at it's a few links deep and not > many people find it... w.d.o/ -> Developers' Corner -> "Debian web site pages" in Miscellaneous in main area of the page, not in right panel -> using cvs Second link is harders to find, it really requires you to read the page. :) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Machines lost?

2000-07-28 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
uth would be user-friendly? -- Tommi Vainikainen

What to do with fixed but not closed bugs?

2000-07-31 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
any notice in bug report logs. BTW Does some logging system support some special syntax for closing w.d.o bugs, as it is with packages? (Adding "closes #" to ChangeLog closes given bug.) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: time to remove all .gif from the site

2000-08-02 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
because there is that strange "%body" text? (I only "make"d english and finnish languages, and my www server (boa) doesn't support content-negotiation, sorry.) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: time to remove all .gif from the site

2000-08-04 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
ser development. Now there is chicken and egg problem with png support. Most browser can show pngs without transparency and this is enough for most people. (And of course there is ALT attribute for browser not supporting pngs.) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: people.names

2000-08-15 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
ake web pages, you can just touch people.names and it will be okay. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Debian WWW CVS: joy

2000-08-19 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
o keep those files up to date. [1] Only I've compared is Makefiles in finnish subdir. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: A few comments on recent changes

2000-08-25 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
LANG = (unset) are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). 08/14/00 $ LC_TIME=fi_FI perl 14.08.2000 $ And also to note, even this is suboptimal, I prefer "14. elokuuta 2000" to "14.08.2000"

Re: A few comments on recent changes

2000-08-25 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > On Fri, Aug 25, 2000 at 03:34:01PM +0300, Tommi Vainikainen wrote: >> At least I would like to get release date formatted per language >> basis. As a finnish speaker, it would be much nicer to have >> "14. eloku

Re: translation-check revisited

2000-10-19 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
ww-server which are not specifically up to date with this new translated version. I hope you understood what I meant. Of course, I don't know if this would work. It would add responbilities to english www-maintainers. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: html 4.0 validation for the site.

2000-11-21 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
[2] At least for me... ;-) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: html 4.0 validation for the site.

2000-11-22 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 11:28:29PM +0200, Tommi Vainikainen wrote: >> Now Debian front page looks bad[1] with new rounded boxes, because >> I've told Netscape my preferred background color. > > Can you please elaborate how

Front page in finnish is broken (same news announcement four times)

2001-04-09 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
If you look at front page in finnish (by choosing link below of the page), you will notice (even without understanding finnish) that news are shown incorrectly. Same news item is listed four times and no other news items are in the front page. Can somebody fix this? -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: What kernal is this?

2001-04-23 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
lity) improvement. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Changed version without changing contents?

2001-05-22 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
ltough that's not useful nor needed. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Site map and missing link names

2001-05-28 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
dn't get this twice, I just didn't receive my own posting, therefore I'm now re-sending this with no words "(un)subscribe" in subject, as it really looks like it was the reason. (I first got "confirmation request" as a reply for my mail...) -- Tommi Vainikainen

/Bugs/Makefile and force rebuilds

2001-05-28 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
this needs to be forced, because the pseudo-packages.description list -# may change any time -pseudo-packages.$(LANGUAGE).html: FORCE - -FORCE: +pseudo-packages.$(LANGUAGE).html: pseudo-packages.description -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: /Bugs/Makefile and force rebuilds

2001-05-28 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
On Mon, 28 May 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 07:11:29PM +0300, Tommi Vainikainen wrote: >> Is there really reasons for this kind of force rebuilds as seen in >> Bugs/Makefile? Isn't make especially designed for this kind of >> dependencie

Front page is really broken now

2001-05-28 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
Look yourself, most of the links in box on the left are missing. Can somebody force rebuild of some files, at least index page. Touching english/template/debian/mainpage.wml and then running make is probably what is needed. (This is only my guess.) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Preventing committing conflicts

2001-05-29 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
Hampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -# # Hacked on lots by Greg A. Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +# Conflict check by Charles M. Hannum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +# Merged Hannum's conflict checks with RCS Id checking by Tommi +# Vainikainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # # Configurable

Re: Preventing committing conflicts

2001-05-29 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
I fixed > earlier today). I think you need to allow for the filename or the > version number to appear at the end of the line. That's true, I just copied/merged the code... :-) But I think removing dollar signs from the end of lines is enough good solution. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: RFC: navbar changes...

2001-05-30 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
Left box's link to Developer's Corner would be enough then. IMHO, good detail in your's proposition is that it doesn't have blue box around contact information, plain white is better because it doesn't grab readers attention. Without going to details in lay out such as logo's place, I liked your proposition. Changes are useful and my guess is that usability improves in those. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: RFC: navbar changes...

2001-05-30 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
nice. :-) Test your browsers at>. When manually trying change color of transparent area, useful software is pngcheck, which isn't packaged (at least I didn't found), but is only one C file, and not too hard to compile.. :-)> -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Vendor pages (was: CVS webwml/english/distrib)

2001-06-01 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
old version 1.130 (one before joy's commit) of vendors.CD, those files are similar where only changes are new data.) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Sitemap not rebuild

2001-06-02 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
languages, shouldn't it remove current language from that list, at least other pages do that. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Translating "Debian Weekly News"

2001-06-07 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
ebian Weekly News:] +[SV:Debian Weekly News:] +[TR:Debian Weekly News:] +[ZH:Debian Weekly News:] + +#use wml::debian::template title=" - <:=&spokendate('$(PUBDATE)'):>$(PAGENAME)" NOHOMELINK="yes" BARETITLE="yes" NOCOMMENTS="yes" SUMMARY="$(SUMMARY)" -- Tommi Vainikainen

Contact page not up to date about CD vendors?

2001-06-07 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
etter only to include link to distrib/vendors from contact page as vendors page also mentions needed information? -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Debian WWW CVS: finnish

2001-06-07 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
ot to escape the $ characters :) That's true, but I wasn't enough fast to press C-c, so I couldn't fix that anymore, and so I left it as it was, because IIRC there is no way to fix log messages with CVS. But it is so obvious what happened as you instantly understood what was going on, so there is no need to do anything with that. :-) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: all of the web pages will now have a mirror list.

2001-06-08 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
e happily does have an sitemap.*.gif. :-) (I already made, but should I really commit that as there is not even english original yet in CVS?) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: all of the web pages will now have a mirror list.

2001-06-08 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
ourse possible to reorder quick links to countries manually and such way move it bit towards The Real Thing. :-) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Debian WWW CVS: finnish

2001-06-09 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
hat lest they want to feel my wrath ;) I was mostly referring to you, as I though maybe in some day you will want to uncomment that line. Altought I don't know if that is before or after transition to PNGs... -- Tommi Vainikainen

Mirror thingie in every page

2001-06-10 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
">$m\n:] + [$l:http://www.$mirrors_lang->{$l}->{$m}\">$m\n:] } } - +\ #";> #";> #";> @@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ #";> #";> ## \/";> -"; selected> +"; selected> > But of course, applying this also make big rebuild again. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Debian WWW CVS: finnish

2001-06-10 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
did the change because mirrors missing sponsor image were not looking good, left blue box was too wide because of Netscape rendering alt text instead of image. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Translating "Debian Weekly News"

2001-06-10 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
On Sun, 10 Jun 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Tommi Vainikainen wrote: >> Currently "Debian Weekly News" appears in title of every page under >> News/weekly in it's original english form. Is it decided that it >> is proper name and shouldn't be

Re: Debian WWW CVS: joy

2001-06-10 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
with useless GIFs. :-) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Slink's release notes in finnish

2001-06-10 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
t available". Can some one remove those kind of "translations", so that server will send me english ones or is there something evil happening so it won't be easy? -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Debian WWW CVS: finnish

2001-06-17 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
er languages? My checkout consist only english and finnish, that's the reason. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Mirror list sort broken

2001-06-20 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
, swedish and english version. I didn't bother to check the rest. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Mirror list sort broken

2001-06-21 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 01:18:21AM +0300, Tommi Vainikainen wrote: >> Order is random in finnish pages too. If I do local build, order >> is correct at least in finnish, swedish and english version. I >> didn't bother to

Re: the debian website

2001-06-25 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
r ISP's proxy's) problem. Please read> and contact again if problem doesn't disappear. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Working with The Debian Project!

2001-06-25 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
t;[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and ask for CVS account. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Catalan initial commit

2001-07-02 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
ieve those can break anything, but of course it is better to watch out. And one thing about slices, please put catalan in alphabetical (english is exception) place when others are in alphabetical order too. In some of tags slices are not in alphabetical order, but mostly should be, and in the future propably all of them should be. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: <-- Problem

2001-07-03 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
lly from the UK :-) Most propably your problem. Have you read>? -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: UK website language problem

2001-07-10 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
assume this is a bug. Most probably: It's not a bug, it is a feature. You have misconfigured your browser. Please read>. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Website Source

2001-07-18 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
is publicly available via CVS, you can read instructions at>. Instructions are, of course, designed for Debian developers, who are building Debian's web site, but there should be all information available you need too. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Dead Links

2001-08-02 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
of the web site ;) ) Hmm, maybe start with reverting that logo change, old penguin (or whatever) was more porn than that stupid whirl. ;-) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: This page's translation is outdated (was: Volunteering for Dutch translation?)

2001-08-05 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
Opmerking: Het origineel is recenter dan de vertaling." > > Could this be changed? I ("finnish") changed this. This is just normal template files, webwml/english/template/debian/translation-check.wml. Better long term solution is to update those outdated webpages. :-) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Outdated link on

2001-08-08 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
> > so I guess it would be best to change the link on the Debian page. Thank you for your info. I've updated url in CVS now, it takes some hours until website is rebuilt and some more hours to get changes to mirrors. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Why doesn't website build?

2001-08-10 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
It seems website has not been rebuilt in last days.> is last modified 10th August. Pretty old I think. I noticed the problem when new security advisories (dsa-068 and dsa-069) didn't pop up in website. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Why doesn't website build?

2001-08-10 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
idn't pop up in > website. Hmm, I just checked my calendar, I was living like next week already. :-) So there is nothing wrong with that build log, but still those advisories aren't there. (Usually those are there after I've slept one night.) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Need help with links to

2001-08-13 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
is link now, so that all translations should now link to instead of .org. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: english non-originals outdated?

2001-08-13 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
nglish pages? That script does refer english as always up to date, ie. doesn't bother to really check status of english files. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: closing tags

2001-08-14 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
doing it to do it. :) Just curious, but can WML automatically add those tags to html if wml source file doesn't contain those? That would be nicest way to get strict xhtml. -- Tommi Vainikainen

How to mass change something (was: Re: Need help with links to

2001-08-15 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 01:41:57PM +0300, Tommi Vainikainen wrote: >> As this page is only translation of why_debian.en.html, which >> points to I've changed this link now, so that all >> translations should now li

English files out of date but not really

2001-09-19 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
ors are stupid" and not let them(or us) mess things? It just so simple that you cannot assume people can read manuals and follow those. But as a quick fix, I'm going to add those headers files specified and also remove german/News/1998/19981124, because original for that file no longer exists. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: remove automatic package building system page

2001-10-02 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
On Tue, 2 Oct 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Now that there is a comprehensive web interface[1] to the > automatic package building system, we should remove the existing > page[2] and change the link in the developers' corner to point to > the new site. Done, in every lan

Re: Problems with korean translation

2001-10-16 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
before rest of crypt()ed password should be easy way to disable account. Closing account until someone asks it for back is very easy way to get knowing who is using account and make sure (s)he does things right. -- Tommi Vainikainen

intro/organization and new security secretaries?

2001-10-22 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
ns > Jay Treacy Darren Benham -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: CVS webwml/english/intro

2001-10-24 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
t) and said go for it, so I changed it that way. If you want to work on better way, such as listing other members as "officers" and last two as "secretaries", would that be good solution? (This is the way it's said in security/faq.wml.) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: incorrect link on page

2001-11-05 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
misc/Artistic.html Fixed in CVS. Changes should be visible after next build, that means 6-12 hours IIRC. Thanks for noticing us. -- Tommi Vainikainen

News titles

2001-11-12 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
It seems that newest news item (hispalinux congress) is not yet visible, altough there has already been new build? But at least one crical bug seems to be somewhere, as front page in Finnish shows no news items. Same seems to be true for German too. Same problem is in News/2001 page. -- Tommi

Re: Proposal for the redesign of

2001-11-16 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
text/vnd.viewcvs-markup&cvsroot=webwml> It would help much if you can provide something ready, such as full chapters of text. Then people can just format it as wml and commit. (Of course best is wml as it is not so much more than plain text but as fully ready for going to CVS.) -- Tommi Vainikainen seems stale

2001-12-09 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
For example> says "last update Dec 4". -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: possible error -- commit error due to http URL

2015-05-13 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
at's a great idea! Hi, what is the status of this? I was about to update translation, but when checking the links, I noticed that the old one works and after your changes links in English pages are broken. Is there something still ongoing, or should the test changes be reverted? -- Tommi Va

Bug#388141: Handling the copyright mess of the website

2012-01-04 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
er with author information per page, I think we should add e.g. copyright.txt to CVS root directory which contains information per author, which relicensing are fine, or possible copyright transfer to SPI. -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-www-requ...@lists.debian.

Re: Broken Link

2012-09-12 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
97, but Cool URIs don't change ( Because this is a link internal to the Debian's website, the best solution IMHO would be creating a redirect page which would redirect to

Problem with rebuilding stats pages

2002-11-10 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
It seems that translation statistics are not rebuilt for last few days. No need to tell how useful those pages are for translators... -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Debian WWW CVS commit by finnish: webwml finnish/international/Finnish.wml engli ...

2003-01-23 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
meone wants to change that account, that's fine for me, just send me new password, but it doesn't make a big difference. > Btw., I'm not sure if you are subscribed yet to debian-www Yes I am. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Capitalizing language names in international/l10n/*/index

2003-06-09 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
(code2language($lang))}; } else { $lang = code2language($lang) or return qq(); } -- Tommi Vainikainen

Pre-installed tag in the front page

2003-08-15 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
and it works fine, but I'm using wml from unstable... -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Debian WWW CVS commit by tvainika: webwml finnish/devel/index.wml french/devel/in ...

2003-11-11 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
t should not impact translations, because it is language dependant what quote characters are used. Of course because of some restrictions in charsets, it is not always possible to use correct quote characters... -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Debian WWW CVS commit by tvainika: webwml finnish/devel/index.wml french/devel/in ...

2003-11-11 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
And everybody, feel free to bump finnish version in this kind of cases when you might think that in ideal world it should not affect translations. Here in Finland I'm living in an /almost/ ideal world... :-) -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: [PATCH] Standards and Quirks Modes

2003-11-15 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
g stylesheets a little with Debian's web pages. Maybe some of you want to comment on that too. At the address> the logo and mirror selection are layed out with very simple css instead of one table, which is currently used. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Bug#225982: Three mirrors (dk, ru, br) not updated after compromise

2004-01-03 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
Package: Severity: important Some website mirrors are not updated after compromise. Website mirrors in Denmark (, Russia ( and Brazil ( are not updated after compromise. Also from other mirrors, China (cn), Indonesia (id), Hong Kong (hk) and South

Re: Status of - new scripts installed

2004-01-10 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
and this of cource isn't best way. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Anon pserver access (was: Re: write access in CVS server impossible.)

2004-01-13 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
es! Any DD interested? -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: Out of date info of distributing shop

2004-01-30 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
On 2004-01-30T16:13:04+0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I was wondering who i could send updated info to about our shop, > which distributes debian cd's.. Please send your updated info to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ie. same address you probably sent original info. -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: development (git.d.o repo, etc.)

2007-10-11 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
n the git repository? Maybe this stuff should be documented even on the website, as there is already info on using CVS >. -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: development (git.d.o repo, etc.)

2007-10-13 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
POT files are committed to repository. As those are autogenerated, many other projects have convention that those are not in repository and also .po files are only updated by translators, who generate POT files on the fly. I think this kind of convention is better, but only if there is not too mu

Re: Translating packages.d.o

2007-10-13 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Sat, Oct 13, 2007 at 10:29:57AM +0300, Tommi Vainikainen wrote: >> First, there is charset problems. If you open http://p.d.o/sid/, it >> contains something like this: >> >> >> >> Obviously this

Re: conversion to subversion

2008-03-25 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
s distributed "advanced" version control system, then Bazaar is way to go, because of the user interface is enough similar to CVS and Subversion. Also by switching to Subversion, people can make their own choice: there is at least git-svn, bzr-svn, and hg-svn. -- Tommi Vainikainen --

Re: Hebrew Translation for Debian About Page

2008-06-16 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
o it). Please tell us publicly if you have any long-term intentions, and I can also add your translations to CVS if you send those to me even if I don't probably understand most of the words. :) -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsub

Re: Hebrew Translation for Debian About Page

2008-06-16 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
nted in the website: > And also, what are the most important pages ? -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hebrew Translation for Debian About Page

2008-06-16 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
full checkout takes about 350 MB of disk space), you will get .wml files (which are almost like HTML files but without extra cruft from templates). Translations can be committed only as .wml files because that is the way how Debian's website works. Also it is much easier to commit your cha

Re: Updated Hebrew Tranlation to Debian About

2008-06-23 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
s to be quite much differences on how to use right-to-left in layout elements. Does anyone know if this layout difference between Farsi and Arabic is intended or not? -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hebrew Traslation of po files

2008-08-14 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
ebrew/po/others.he.po I committed organization.he.po and others.he.po, but in your mail you had attached bugs.he.po instead of countries.he.po. -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hebrew Traslation of po files

2008-08-14 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
"Oz Nahum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >>I committed organization.he.po and others.he.po, but in your mail you >>had attached bugs.he.po instead of countries.he.po > > sorry about that. No problem. Committed countries too now. It's nice to see prog

Re: A problem with the hebrew about.wml page

2008-08-16 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
have this text-align setting in debian.css if we assume CSS compatibility in this respect. So is there a problem with some browsers, or does anyone remember any background for this? -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CSS and bidi support (was: Re: A problem with the hebrew about.wml page)

2008-08-22 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
Tommi Vainikainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > And more important, removing 'text-align: left' from html and body tags in > main debian.css (this affects all languages!) > > Index: debian.css > ===

Re: A problem with the hebrew about.wml page

2008-08-22 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
le reading Hebrew text expect English words to be? Now it renders as "debian#" because it's in middle of Hebrew text. Should there be explicit dir=ltr tag around the channel name so it would be rendered as #debian even being in the middle of Hebrew text? -- Tommi Vainikainen

Re: webwml in git?

2008-09-15 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
kes (with only most recent version saved in checkout). -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fix for hebrew debian about.wml

2008-09-23 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
n your version in title, but only same text was translated in the page content beginning. I re-applied those fixes now. See here: -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fix for hebrew debian about.wml

2008-09-24 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
on about giving accounts (not me) see that your diffs are good quality, because anyone with account can (even accidentally) break many things on the website, and we don't want to see that happen. -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem with encoding of in French

2009-02-01 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
8/ Maybe we should migrate to UTF-8 here too... -- Tommi Vainikainen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscrib

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