
2005-01-30 Thread Andre Lehovich
> My browser times out when trying to access, and has been > timing out for the past couple days. Scheduled power outage: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Troubl

Re: Can't view pakages

2005-01-30 Thread Andre Lehovich
On Sun, 30 Jan 2005, Edward Iturriagaefi wrote: > Tried for two days but cant view pakages the site wont pull them up. but the > site itself comes up fine on my browser Mozilla- Firefox Scheduled power outage: -- To UNSUBSCRIB

package of the week

2003-09-03 Thread Andre Lehovich
I've put up a new draft of the package of the week section. The final results (minus index.html files) are at: The WML source code is at:

diff utils for translators

2003-09-03 Thread Andre Lehovich
On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, Peter Karlsson wrote: > Please avoid doing formatting changes to the source when also changing > content, it makes it a lot harder to find the content changes for us > translators. Especially avoid to re-justify paragraphs. Yes, the result > may look prettier, but it is a lot mo

Re: diff utils for translators

2003-09-03 Thread Andre Lehovich
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Peter Karlsson wrote: > But there's no reason to make the job harder for the > translators, just to make the English source file > prettier. Agreed. Unfortunately it is inevitable that reflowing will sometimes happen by accident; these tools can help clean up the mess. --Andr

Bug#211723: Newsfeed of security updates would be cool

2003-09-19 Thread Andre Lehovich
Does do what you need? On Fri, 19 Sep 2003, Peter S Galbraith wrote: > It would be cool if a page existed. > Users could keep track of security updates via newsfeed programs such as >

Re: Web site problems with

2003-11-26 Thread Andre Lehovich
On Sun, 23 Nov 2003, Paul wrote: > As you are probably aware your web site is having problems. Yes. Some Debian servers were cracked last week (the archive is NOT affected) and things are down while the admins clean up. For more details see: The story has also been

Re: problems with some links

2003-11-26 Thread Andre Lehovich
On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Petra Grinjuks wrote: > > and some other links don't work. Whats the matter? Buncha Debian systems got cracked late last week and have been down while the admins clean up. The archive was NOT compromised -- for details on what was see: http:

Re: Webserver is not avaiable

2003-11-28 Thread Andre Lehovich
On 28 Nov 2003, Gisbert wrote: > your webserver: "" is not avaiable since 3 days. Yes -- for details see

Re: Web Links

2003-11-28 Thread Andre Lehovich
On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Tim Watkins wrote: > >From your main homepage I clicked on Developer and got: > [which isn't in English] The language is controlled by your web browser -- you've probably got it configured to give something other than English higher priority. > An

Re: The XHTML transition

2003-12-05 Thread Andre Lehovich
> 2.) Conversion of _all_ other wml files to XHTML compatible WML code. > This isn't a trivial task. Other than buzzword compliance, what advantages does this offer -- if it is nontrivial to switch to XHTML, why do it? --Andre

Re: Bug#227052: download form for fftw3, fftw3-dev packages (perhaps others) broken

2004-01-11 Thread Andre Lehovich
Rich, Could you retry and see if the bug still happens? packages.d.o was restored over the weekend, and I can't reproduce your problem. Which URL are you using to get to the form? --Andre On Fri, 9 Jan 2004, Richard W. DeVaul wrote: > The download form for the fftw3 and fftw3-dev packages are b

Bug#227822: mirror status page not being updated

2004-01-14 Thread Andre Lehovich
Package: Severity: normal The mirror status page has not updated since last Nov's security compromise. The page is automatically generated, probably a cron job needs to be reset somewhere. --Andre

Bug#227831: experimental packages missing from packages.d.o

2004-01-14 Thread Andre Lehovich
Package: Severity: normal Experimental versions of packages are not listed in the new version of packages.d.o. I expected to show the 0.6 experimental version, but only stable, testing, and unstable appear. (The experimental apt can be found through h

Bug#228245: missing Oregon State as partner

2004-01-17 Thread Andre Lehovich
Package: Severity: normal are now sponsoring the BTS, for details see My guess is they meet the criteria to be listed under Thanks, --Andre

Re: Bug#227831: marked as done ( experimental packages missing from packages.d.o)

2004-01-18 Thread Andre Lehovich
On Sun, 18 Jan 2004, Frank Lichtenheld wrote: > search_packages supports also experimental now. Searching with > will find the experimental package. Great, thanks! The new search is a huge improvement. I've already used the changelog feature several times. > I think that

Re: TLDP and Debian

2004-01-20 Thread Andre Lehovich
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004, Stein Gjoen wrote: > with. So while I woul like to report bugs for what specific > packages I can find I am sure to miss quite a lot in 3.0 (are > there 8000 packages in 3.0?) and definitely a lot in unstable > which I am unable to install here. All web browsers should have "P

link swapping

2004-03-23 Thread Andre Lehovich
Requests for Debian to swap links with other organizations seem to be a regular thing. (Another one just came through today). The usual answer seems to be no. Does Debian have a formal policy on this? --Andre

Re: [PATCH] IPA transliteration of Debian pronunciation

2004-04-12 Thread Andre Lehovich
Progeny used to ship a .au file "My name is Ian Murdock and I pronounce Debian, Debian" on their CDs. I probably still have it somewhere. Should we include that? --Andre