Broken link - Debian Flyers

2019-02-23 Thread Alban Vidal
Dear team, I found a broken link in the following page (botom page): The correct link is the following: I did not find this page on Salsa. Best regards, Alban signature.asc Description: OpenPGP di

Re: RFA:

2019-03-21 Thread Alban Vidal
Hello everyone, Le 22/03/2019 à 01:12, Laura Arjona Reina a écrit : > 1.- You would be added to the alias, and when you > receive a request related to the web page >, you just process it :-) > > 2.- I would add a new tag in > https://salsa.debian.o

Re: RFA:

2019-03-23 Thread Alban Vidal
Hello everyone, Le 22/03/2019 à 01:12, Laura Arjona Reina a écrit : > 1.- You would be added to the alias, and when you > receive a request related to the web page >, you just process it :-) > > 2.- I would add a new tag in > https://salsa.debian.o

Bug#833661: Arrange companies by continent on merchandise page

2019-03-31 Thread Alban Vidal
Hello, On Sat, 23 Mar 2019 05:47:21 +0100 Laura Arjona Reina wrote: > the idea was to get the info about from where are they shipping items, so people can know if they are far or near them, or choose the one shipping from their own country. Shure it's true. > Unfortunately the info should be

Re: events/material and events/materialS / Re: Broken link - Debian Flyers

2019-04-02 Thread Alban Vidal
Hello, Le 24/02/2019 à 17:34, Joost van Baal-Ilić a écrit : > On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 03:29:28PM +0100, Laura Arjona Reina wrote: >> If these old materials should be kept, > Is e.g. > > anywhere in a vcs? > > I still use that (well, a fork of

Bug#926405: Debian logos - PDF conversion is pixelated

2019-04-04 Thread Alban Vidal
Package: Severity: wishlist Tags: patch -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Dear Maintainer, I've found a problem when I convert the Debian logos to PDF format in Buster. The render is pixelated. If you want convert the logo to PDF format: rsvg-convert -f pdf -o openl

cdvendors/preinstallvendors - Suggestion to add last check date

2019-06-17 Thread Alban Vidal
Hello cd-vendors and pre-install-vendors teams, After an alert on the l10n-fr team mailing-list [1] about a closed "Computer vendors" [2] since end of 2018 in Canada (NExcess Technologies inc.), I deleted this entry in Salsa. After a very little discussion in the #debian-www channel on IRC, I pro

Bug#931288: Broken link to WML website

2019-06-30 Thread Alban Vidal
Package: Severity: normal -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Dear Webmaster team, On the Debian Website, in "Translating Debian web pages"[1] we have a broken link to the WML website [2]. The source file is english/devel/website/translating.wml in the webwml reposi

Bug#932341: Link to deleted page (/misc/related_links)

2019-07-17 Thread Alban Vidal
Package: Severity: minor -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Dear Webmaster team, In the 'english/international/Swedish/index.wml' page we have a link to '/misc/related_links' who is deleted since April. I propose to delete the the end of following paragraph line 59

Updating Debian sparc portage web page

2019-12-28 Thread Alban Vidal
Hi Adrian, Hi Debian Sparc Team, Le 27/12/2019 à 21:18, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz a écrit : >> [...] > Feel free to update the website as you wish. > FWIW, the current Debian SPARC port is actually sparc64, sparc is > currently not bootstrapped, although we keep fixing issues where > we see them.

Updating Debian Alpha portage web pages

2019-12-28 Thread Alban Vidal
Dear Debian Alpha team, I wish to clean and update the Debian portages web pages. See: Debian Alpha portage web pages [1]. I've opened one MR to the Debian Website repository [2]. Please take a little time to review and validate thoes updates. Please CC me, I'm not registered on your mailing lis

Bug#947706: Updating Debian portages web page

2019-12-29 Thread Alban Vidal
Package: Severity: |wishlist Tags: newcomer | Dear Webmaster Team, Dear all, Some contents needs to be reviewed on the portages Debian web page [1] like as dead links or old contents/descriptions. I've already start the work by cleaning the 301 links to their new location. As he

Bug#799704: inconsistency between English and French

2019-12-29 Thread Alban Vidal
Hi, On Mon, 21 Sep 2015 18:37:42 +0200 Vincent Lefevre wrote: > says: > > important > a bug which has a major effect on the usability of a package, > without rendering it completely unusable to everyone. > >

Bug#833661: Arrange companies by continent on merchandise page

2019-12-29 Thread Alban Vidal
Hi all, Regarding the Debian merchandise page [1] and Bug #833661 [2], I've create merge request [3] on Debian Website repository to add this following informations: - Adding languages available on websites, - Adding informations about deliveries, - Updating informations needed to add new vendor,

Updating Debian ports - Debian for PA-RISC

2019-12-30 Thread Alban Vidal
Dear Debian HPPA team, I wish to clean and update the Debian ports web pages through bug #947706 [1]. Your own page is "Debian for PA-RISC" [2]. I've already cleaned some URLs and update the new location of PA-RISC website (see website commits [3] and [4]). I think that we can remove old URLs f

Re: Debian Ports : urls giving 401/403

2019-12-30 Thread Alban Vidal
Hi Archit, Le 30/12/2019 à 15:21, Archit Warghane a écrit : > > Please Suggest what should to do with links those are  403 FORBIDDEN > and 401 UNAUTHORIZED? > > Example > > > has "*Installing Debian GNU/Linux on a p630 LPAR (7028-6C4)*" links to

Bug#947706: Updating Debian ports - Debian for PA-RISC

2019-12-30 Thread Alban Vidal
Hi Dave, Thanks for your reply. Le 30/12/2019 à 19:26, John David Anglin a écrit : > Yes, ESIEE and HP Systems links can be removed.  The HOWTO documents > are in wiki. - The "ESIEE's HOWTO" link removed for the merge request [1], - For HP links, we have update them toward If all

Re: Debian Ports : urls giving 401/403

2019-12-30 Thread Alban Vidal
Hi Archit, Le 30/12/2019 à 19:52, Archit Warghane a écrit : > Sure thing I will keep that in mind for future updates and will post > author names in mailing list. Great! If URL is look like , XXX is Debian Developer (DD) account name. You can check DD status on "Debian New

Bug#947357: Bug #947357: votebar template fails at parsing some translated files

2020-01-02 Thread Alban Vidal
Hi Laura, On Thu, 26 Dec 2019 22:31:36 +0100 Laura Arjona Reina wrote: > I have noticed that the files not added in the Spanish index were the > ones with the translation-check header in the first line. I have moved > the translation-check header line below, so the first line is the > pagetitle

Bug#947357: Bug #947357: votebar template fails at parsing some translated files

2020-01-02 Thread Alban Vidal
Hi Laura, On Thu, 26 Dec 2019 22:31:36 +0100 Laura Arjona Reina wrote: > * Fixing the Perl code in /english/template/debian/votebar.wml so it > parses the title and status line wherever they are I've created a MR on the Salsa webwml repository [1]. Build tried locally and it's work fine with t

Bug#948661: Outdated translations not deleted

2020-01-11 Thread Alban Vidal
Package: Dear Webmaster Team, Some translations provides from deleted original english files. We can remove them. This bug is opened to trace those deletions. english/devel/debian-nonprofit (directory) - Deleted on 2019/08/01, linked files : - german/devel/debian-nonprofit/ - gree

Re: Création de compte

2020-12-05 Thread Alban Vidal
(for the www-team, reply in english on the bottom) Le 05/12/2020 à 10:02, a écrit : > Bonjour. Je n'arrive pas à créer de compte sur le wiki.debian en > tentant de m'inscrire avec l'adresse bruno.couzon@free@fr. > > Le message d'erreur est le suivant : > **