Who's using Debian?

2007-08-10 Thread Florian Maier
Hi Debian-www team, my name is Florian Maier and i' m the responsible security guy for the City of Munich's "LiMux" distribution, which is based on Debian Sarge with lots of backports and will be migrated to Debian Etch this autumn. We are using Debian GNU/Linux to run our system- and configurati

Bug#133896: One bowl-full will be more than enough for even the heaviest beard.

2007-08-10 Thread Gutemberg Gaultney
(H)[g]{e} {N}{e}(s) To Imp*act (C) Chi^na Yo.uTV (C)(r)<.> S,ymbol: (C)(Y) We [h]{a}[v] alrea#dy (s)(e)[n] C.YTV's mark^et im`pact be^fore cl^imbin,g to [o][v](e) $,2.00 [w]{t}(h) [e]{w}{.} P.ress Relea.se: Chi#na YouT*V's C-nBoo (W)[e] (i)(t){e} R*anks (N)[o][.][1] on Mi*crosof.t [v

how-to build local version of site?

2007-08-10 Thread Andrei Popescu
Hi, Anybody knows of a way to 'make' my local copy of the Romanian translation of the site? Regards, Andrei -- If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. (Albert Einstein) signature.asc Description: Digital signature