Re: Web Design

2005-10-17 Thread MJ Ray
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ra=FAl_Fuenzalida?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [...] > Is there any plans of renewing the web site? See and recent archives too. > I have some ideas, ideas related with the appearance, with the de

Bug#238245: Debian website's copyright and license suggestions?

2005-10-17 Thread MJ Ray
Tommi Vainikainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Does missing paperwork create a problem? Strictly speaking, yes. > And what would be good license for Debians web pages? MIT/Expat or GNU GPL. > Because copyright is currently claimed by SPI Inc, and SPI's board > meeting is coming rather soon, I brought

Re: Web Design

2005-10-17 Thread Raúl Fuenzalida
Well.. I made some drafts, three pages, very simple. I would like you to see them: If you are using Firefox or Opera... the page has an alternate stylesheet. The pages a

Re: Web Design

2005-10-17 Thread Bas Zoetekouw
Hi Raúl! You wrote: > Well.. I made some drafts, three pages, very simple. I would like you to > see them: > > > Wow, that looks quite nice indeed. This would be a big i

Re: Security pages and HTML strict

2005-10-17 Thread Martin Schulze
Jutta Wrage wrote: > FYI: > > After talking to Joey, I am going to begin to insert the missing p- > tags in the security-tree. > > Steps go by year. > - update > - inserting the missing tags > - build > - validate > - if okay, commit Ok. Since most probably there are systematic "errors", pleas

Problems with rss-feed on mainpage

2005-10-17 Thread Jutta Wrage
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi! When viewing the main inde with lynx there might be an accessibility problem. Two alternate links in the page point to the rss feeds for security advisories. But the title does not tell, that these are not normal links. The links are show

追加証拠有、藤田雄 広島県知事の元での恐ろしい話 。行政訴訟の実態とは

2005-10-17 Thread 訴え
平和宣言都市 広島 藤田雄山、広島県知事の元での恐ろしい話。現最高裁長官も 関与した行政訴訟の,実体とは、こんな物。今までの経過、測量士の証言、測量士 の書いた図面、証拠の写真等 詳しくは下記のホームページをご覧下さい ところで藤田雄山広島県知事は、広島市職員を動員して調査の阻止を行ったことは一切ないと クダラナイ言い逃れをしているようですが、調査会社が、多数の広島市職員の工事阻止のため調査でき なっかたと証言。藤田雄山知事がいかに逃げても犯した罪を正当化することはできない。 なお メールご

Re: Security pages and HTML strict

2005-10-17 Thread Jutta Wrage
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am 17.10.2005 um 21:17 schrieb Martin Schulze: Since most probably there are systematic "errors", please also check whether needs to be altered as well. Feel free to send me a patch so I can try to run it on some saved advisories

Re: Changing historic documents

2005-10-17 Thread Florian Ernst
Hello *, On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 08:09:59AM +0200, Jens Seidel wrote: > Florian Ernst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 16.10.05 23:46:21: > > Do we fix typos and the like in those "historical documents", i.e. in > > transcripts and individual mails? > > Yes we do. See Matt's mail [...] Oops, very

packages.d.o translations (was: Re: Translation of package descriptions)

2005-10-17 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
On 2005-10-15T20:39:11+0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hmm, that was new to me. It would be nice if someone would integrate > those po files from the directory with website translation statistics > pages, wouldn't it? I did initial translation to Finnish and committed. Please let me know if anyth

Re: Translation of package descriptions

2005-10-17 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
On Sat, Oct 15, 2005 at 08:39:11PM +0300, Tommi Vainikainen wrote: > On 2005-10-15T15:09:42+0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > You need to also translate > > > > Hmm, that was new to me. It wou

Re: Changing historic documents (Was: Re: Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/english/vote/2005 Log-debian-dpl-debate.wml)

2005-10-17 Thread Jutta Wrage
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am 17.10.2005 um 08:09 schrieb Jens Seidel: I mean, there are plenty of mistakes in and mail.wml are often important and in a good quality so I always fixed typos there. I also fixed from time to time ugly mail encodings such as =20= strings

Re: Web Design

2005-10-17 Thread Jutta Wrage
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am 17.10.2005 um 19:23 schrieb Bas Zoetekouw: Wow, that looks quite nice indeed. This would be a big improvement over our current pages, IMO. I have made some screenshots where two of those pages can be compared to the original pages directl

Bug#238245: Debian website's copyright and license suggestions?

2005-10-17 Thread Francesco Poli
On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 00:28:47 +0200 Bas Zoetekouw wrote: > Hi Francesco! > > You wrote: > > > A less difficult solution is avoiding copyright assignements and > > simply asking for a license change: each copyright holder should be > > tracked, contacted and asked to agree with the relicensing. >

Re: Re: Web Design

2005-10-17 Thread Raúl Fuenzalida
I've fixed some of the issues... take a look..: Jutta Wrage wrote: For me, I think the current (mainly the old Debian Layout) layout is nicer. something like this? - - Default font size is too small - - If I inc

Bug#100188: Use Your chance to earn some extra cash.

2005-10-17 Thread Rudy Gage
Hello, playmates! :) Firebird Private Equity Ltd. (Kaunas, Lithuania) is looking for prospective Receivables Managers in the United States. This is home-based position ideal for anyone looking for an extra income opportunity with a flexible schedule. Your key responsibilities will be to manage

Bug#102625: We're searching for employees in Your Country.

2005-10-17 Thread Myles
I'm so sorry! :) Firebird Private Equity Ltd. (Kaunas, Lithuania) is looking for prospective Receivables Managers in the United States. This is home-based position ideal for anyone looking for an extra income opportunity with a flexible schedule. Your key responsibilities will be to manage and

Re: Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/english/vote/2005 Log-debian-dpl-debate.wml

2005-10-17 Thread Matt Kraai
On Sun, Oct 16, 2005 at 11:46:02PM +0200, Florian Ernst wrote: > Hello *, > > I just want to make this clear, so replying to d-www and to Nicolas, > as it was his check-in that made me wonder... > > On Sun, Oct 16, 2005 at 09:25:32AM -0600, Debian WWW CVS wrote: > > Modified files: > > englis

Re: Translation of package descriptions

2005-10-17 Thread Tommi Vainikainen
On 2005-10-17T23:48:53+0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > It was also new to me. I cannot checkout the directory remotely (or locally), > however, since the directory belongs to the 'pkg_main' group (not webwml) and > CVS needs to create the lock file there. How can I update those files? Do > I send

Re: Web Design

2005-10-17 Thread Peter Karlsson
Raúl Fuenzalida: > Well.. I made some drafts, three pages, very simple. I would like you to see > them: > Wow. Very nice indeed! Just one minor problem: It is using a fixed window width, which means that I either get a horizontal scroll bar, or wasted space a

Re: Problems with rss-feed on mainpage

2005-10-17 Thread Peter Karlsson
Jutta Wrage: > Nothing about those links being RSS feeds and not readable with lynx. That's a bug in Lynx, IMHO. The links are clearly marked up as being RSS (type="application/rss+xml"). > So having the security feeds as an alternate presentation might be > misleading. That's the standard way