Re: Don't let China's manderine(specially, computer terms) contaminate Taiwan's manderine.

2002-01-28 Thread Josip Rodin
On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 03:51:55PM +0800, Lawrence wrote: > By the way, would you mind changing websever configuration not display > webpage by browser's language setting of audience. Whenever I browse your > webpages it often told me "This is not latest content, and you have to see > English pages

Don't let China's manderine(specially, computer terms) contaminate Taiwan's manderine.

2002-01-28 Thread Lawrence
Sir,   Don't let China's manderine(specially, computer terms) contaminate Taiwan's manderine, when I browsed your website to notice me this situation. I know the manderine resource regarding Debian is rare, but don't acclaim you have Big 5 code webpages to mislead you