Bug#931225: Please make Classic style the default

2023-11-02 Thread Ian Jackson
Four and half years ago I reported what were then already longstanding and severe bugs in the custom theme we use as the default theme for the Debian wiki. I also requested that the default be changed to the "Classic" theme (which as I understand it is provided by upstream), pending a fix to those

Bug#931225: Please make Classic style the default

2020-11-16 Thread Ian Jackson
Hi. I filed this bug about 18 months ago. Guillem wrote > [changing the defualt] This feels a bit too drastic, and proposed > I assume a MR for the CSS as proposed in the referenced bug might > help move this, but I notice the theming is not included in the git > repo at

Bug#931225: Please make Classic style the default

2019-07-01 Thread Guillem Jover
Hi! On Fri, 2019-06-28 at 15:50:19 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote: > Package: wiki.debian.org > Control: block 864925 by -1 > Control: block 931224 by -1 > The default style has two bugs, at least one of which is IMO fairly > serious and has gone unfixed for 2 years now: > | #864925 wiki.debian.org:

Bug#931225: Please make Classic style the default

2019-06-28 Thread Ian Jackson
Package: wiki.debian.org Control: block 864925 by -1 Control: block 931224 by -1 The default style has two bugs, at least one of which is IMO fairly serious and has gone unfixed for 2 years now: | #864925 wiki.debian.org: gridlines in tables The Classic style does not have these bugs. I have b