Bug#263084: Please change sexist language in debian (English) webpages

2004-08-02 Thread reisio
IMO he/she & him/her is silly. If someone wants to take time to make it all completely unspecific (eg. "they", etc) kudos; otherwise I think you're being paranoid. Helen Faulkner wrote: Package: www.debian.org This bug reports a problem with content on the website. It was suggested that I

Re: http://www.debian.org/misc/children-distros

2004-07-28 Thread reisio
Tamas.Gervai wrote: In my opinion Corel Linux is no longer exist. -- tamas It was bought out by Xandros (xandros.com) Furthermore, because someone somewhere probably still has the source for Corel Linux, it will probably never be "dead", though development may have. It is also important