Le 09/04/2024 à 05:53, Debian Webmaster a écrit :
/srv/www.debian.org/cron/log/wml_run.log-make[3]: Entering directory
/srv/www.debian.org/cron/log/wml_run.log-wml -q -D CUR_YEAR=2024 -o
UNDEFuPT:vote_001.pt.html@g+w vote_001.wml
Here is a proposal of translation to english for this submission. Feel
free to correct/improve it.
1. Canadian formation, Free university of GUINEA (UG), Republic of Guinea
4. We are a university in partnership with the Robertson College in
Canada which delivers degrees to our students wh
Here is a proposal of translation to english for this submission. Feel
free to correct/improve it.
1. Canadian formation, Free university of GUINEA (UG), Republic of Guinea
4. We are a university in partnership with the Robertson College in
Canada which delivers degrees to our students wh
Hello Damien,
Le 16/11/2015 23:11, va...@free.fr a écrit :
> Hi,
> If it could help, as suggestion, here is in attachment a modified
> index.wml of the current:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/webwml/webwml/english/releases/squeeze/index.wml?view=log
> Best regards,
I think it is a good
Hello Erik
Le 16/11/2015 21:58, Pfannenstein Erik a écrit :
> Hi folks,
> I'm experiencing a problem in the German news section of the website and I
> need your help.
> I uploaded the German translations of the last three news entries over a week
> ago and still only the headlines show up.
Le 03/11/2015 10:38, Alain Buesa a écrit :
> Je viens de trouver mes données dans la
> page https://lists.debian.org/debian-user-spanish/2015/05/msg00387.html.
> Veuillez supprimer la page dans laquelle je n'ai jamais demandé ma présence.
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