Bug#468335: www.debian.org: devel/testing update URL

2008-02-28 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org This page: http://www.us.debian.org/devel/testing Currently links to: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0008/msg00906.html which is a 404; I think it should be updated to: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2000/08/msg00906.html Actually it seems likely that this was

Bug#17590: related bugs

2007-04-14 Thread Justin Pryzby
Related bugs: 17590,344980. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

outdated bug graph

2007-02-08 Thread Justin Pryzby
reassign 409498 qa.debian.org,www.debian.org thanks http://www.debian.org/devel/ also links to ajs bug graph. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#398942: www.debian.org: packages.d.o to serve files included in packages

2006-11-16 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: wishlist It would be great if individual files within [source|binary] packages could be accessed by visiting some PDO URL pkg=foo&path=bar. The search_contents.pl left-hand side should be hyperlinks to that URL. This would be useful for accessing eg. a TODO list

Bug#376016: packages.debian.org forgot about package contents

2006-06-29 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: important http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=coreutils&searchmode=filelist&case=insensitive&version=unstable&arch=i386 You have searched for the contents of coreutils in unstable, architecture i386. Can't find that package, at least not in

Bug#365080: packages.debian.org: Please provide a Contents.gz search rewrite rule

2006-04-27 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: wishlist It would be mighty handy to be ably to visit PDO/cont:/etc/pinforc to find out what package contains /etc/pinforc, without having to mess around with apt-file, and updating the Contents file. This would make searching with a web browser one step more dir

Bug#364923: www.debian.org/devel/leader not updated for ajt

2006-04-26 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: minor File: http://www.debian.org/devel/leader This page is out of date, as of last week or so when ajt's dpl-ship became effective. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#363510: www.debian.org: please indicate at /devel/people that an asterisk means "comaintainer", if it does

2006-04-19 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: wishlist File: http://debian.org/devel/people Many names have an asterisk following their packages; apparently this means that they are a comaintainer. Please document. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Con

Bug#362009: www.debian.org: please link to newpkg_main

2006-04-11 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: wishlist DWN links to http://packages.debian.org/unstable/newpkg_main, but nothing else seems to do so.. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#338048: hints description

2006-04-07 Thread Justin Pryzby
retitle 338048 Please refer to DevRef for a discussion of testing hints reassign 338048 www.debian.org thanks There is a pretty-good description of hints here: http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/ch-pkgs#s-details I think it is sufficient if devel/testing/ would reference that sectio

Bug#360310: www.debian.org: Please consider plotchangelog for p.d.o/ copyright.html

2006-03-31 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: wishlist devscripts includes a neat plotchangelog program, and it would be awesome if its output would be included/generated with the enhanced html changelog :) -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMA

Bug#357304: www.debian.org: devel/testing should be updated for BTS version tracking?

2006-03-16 Thread Justin Pryzby
On Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 07:00:10PM +, Adam D. Barratt wrote: > Hi, > > On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 12:03 -0500, Justin Pryzby wrote: > > Package:www.debian.org > > Severity: normal > > File: http://www.us.debian.org/devel/testing > >

Bug#357304: www.debian.org: devel/testing should be updated for BTS version tracking?

2006-03-16 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package:www.debian.org Severity: normal File: http://www.us.debian.org/devel/testing I find that the following is incomprehensible, and I suspect that it is outdated, now that bts version tracking is implemented. | The "testing" bug count for a package is considered to be

Bug#347922: www.d.o: outdated reference to boot-floppies

2006-01-13 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Version: 2006-01-13 Severity: normal File: http://www.debian.org/contact It is my understanding that boot-floppies wasn't used in the Sarge installer, and won't be used in any future installer; thus the reference should be updated ("debian-installer"?) or removed. -- To

Bug#344980: please provide an package source filename search

2005-12-27 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: ftp.debian.org, www.debian.org Severity: wishlist File: ftp://debian.org/, http://packages.debian.org, http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages I would find it useful to be able to search the filenames of sources of Debian packages. Something like an Contents-src.sid.tar.bz2 or whatever.

Bug#344972: Please add more pointers to debconf-devel(7) (Was: Re: Policy documentation on debconf)

2005-12-27 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: developers-reference, www.debian.org Severity: wishlist Please mention devconf-devel(7) in the developers reference and at debian.org/devel/ I really hope its clear that debconf-devel needs to have something else pointing to it, since it is the second time in 30 days that someone has bee

Bug#344107: www.d.o: www.d.o/doc/ references older Debian 2.2

2005-12-19 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Version: 20051219 Severity: normal File: http://www.us.debian.org/doc/ The potato installation guide is referenced at : You might also be interested in the installation guide for Debian 2.2, which is an on line tutorial. Probably, it sho

Bug#341336: clone

2005-12-13 Thread Justin Pryzby
clone 341336 -1 retitle -1 www.d.o: devel/build/ links to SVN server with DNS failure thanks http://www.debian.org/devel/buildd/ links multiple times to http://svn.cyberhqz.org/wanna-build/, but Host svn.cyberhqz.org not found: 3(NXDOMAIN). -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a s

Bug#341336: www.d.o: link to m68k server which doesn't run an httpd

2005-11-30 Thread Justin Pryzby
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 02:16:54PM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote: > On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 09:57:57PM -0500, Justin Pryzby wrote: > > Package: www.debian.org > > Version: 20051129 > > Severity: normal > > File: http://www.debian.org/devel/buildd/ > > > >

Bug#341336: www.d.o: link to m68k server which doesn't run an httpd

2005-11-29 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Version: 20051129 Severity: normal File: http://www.debian.org/devel/buildd/ Links on and other pages to are bad; that server apparently doesn't any longer serve www clients. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EM

Bug#341179: www.d.o: buildd.d.o has 403 link

2005-11-28 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org, ftp.debian.org Version: 20051128 Severity: normal File: http://buildd.debian.org/ Following the link for Andrea results in an HTTP 403 error. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Conta

Bug#338213: www: experimental.debian.net says that it is the home of the main buildd network

2005-11-08 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org File: http://experimental.debian.net/ Severity: normal Version: 20051108 Tags: patch Probably www.debian.org isn't the right place for this bug, but I have doubts that there is a better place. Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] who is the experimental contact. The given address says:

Bug#338048: *.d.o: Please document ftp hints

2005-11-07 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: qa.debian.org, ftp.debian.org, www.debian.org Severity: wishlist File: http://ftp-master.debian.org/testing/hints/ Please integrate documentation of the testing hints in useful places. I would suggest the following: http://packages.qa.debian.org/ might need a section to indicate when

Bug#336248: www: poor grammar at releases/testing/

2005-10-28 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Version: 20051028 Severity: minor File: http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/ Tags: patch s/ bad / badly / | This release started as a copy of sarge, and is currently in a state | called testing. That means that things should not break as bad as in -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, e

Bug#331289: www: grammar on bugs page: s/ a unsub/ an unsub/

2005-10-02 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: minor The section of the page: http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#subscribe presently says: Similarly, a unsubscription but should say: Similarly, an unsubscription ^^^ -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "u

Bug#264589: debman program

2005-09-20 Thread Justin Pryzby
debian-goodies package includes a program called debman which dynamically extracts a manpage from a package. I don't know if that would be useful here; speedwise, it is probably much better to create a directory hierarchy to separate packages, and languages, with some simple web search frontend.

Bug#327093: www.debian.org: devel/testing page is easily misinterprettable

2005-09-07 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: minor File: http://www.debian.org/devel/testing Version: 20050907 Tags: patch This page has: How "testing" works The "testing" distribution is an automatically generated distribution. It is generated from the "unstable" distribution by a set of scripts w

being_packaged missing bugs?

2005-01-16 Thread Justin Pryzby
Hi, I recently submitted #289371 [0]: "ITP: saods9 -- astronomical image tool", and I wonder why it is not listed on being_packaged [1]. Justin References [0] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=289371 [1] http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/being_packaged -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email

Bug#288417: RFC: Packages Needing Sponsors page

2005-01-03 Thread Justin Pryzby
Hi all, I'm trying to clean up WNPP. As you may recall, I'm encouraging people to use ITP+patch to mean "This packages is ready to be uploaded, and I'm only waiting on a sponsor". As part of my effort, I've created a webpage [0] of such packages. So, if you have an opened ITP, and you are still

Bug#288417: www.debian.org: Please provide a 'sponsor needed' page

2005-01-03 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: minor I requested that the page formally at internatif.org got removed, because it was old, cluttered with old stuff, and unmaintained. I propose a new page to take its place. It was suggested to me that ITP bugs tagged patch mean "I have created a patch (which

Bug#288416: www.debian.org: Please list ITP on the developers page

2005-01-03 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: minor Please also include people's ITPs in the list of maintained packages on the Debian Project Participants page. This will server as a backup reminder "You ITPd something .. did you forget it??"

Bug#100188: dict

2005-01-03 Thread Justin Pryzby
FWIW The dict dictionary client does well with bts and wnpp, haven't tried others. Justin

Bug#283041: Contents.gz package

2005-01-03 Thread Justin Pryzby
Could we provide a binary package which includes Contents.gz in /usr/share/.../? I mentioned this WRT another report; versioning is a small problem (some versions provide a file but others do not). In most cases, I do not think that is an issue. I find myself searching (with apt-file, which shou

Bug#262617: package meta info

2005-01-03 Thread Justin Pryzby
On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 11:58:11AM -0500, pryzbyj wrote: > the .qa. package page. The whole problem is a specific case of a more > general bug on www.d.o: "Allow downloads of a specific file". #148554

Bug#262617: package meta info

2005-01-03 Thread Justin Pryzby
This bug is a member of a class of bugs with a common goal: let a debian developer present meta information about a given package to the users of that package. In this case, an image. I think that the most appropriate and most general solution is to provide links to README.Debian from the package

Bug#264637: [pryzbyj: updates]

2004-08-09 Thread Justin Pryzby
I did a complete search for dns failures; the following do not resolve. www.program-works.com www.sivalik.com www.hsv.tis.net www.voyagercomputers.co.uk telecorreio.pt www.earthlight.net.nz www.microhat.com osys.com.hk www.sni

Bug#264637: [pryzbyj: updates]

2004-08-09 Thread Justin Pryzby
Here are some others. acetechgroup- timed out theblueorb - timed out http://www.worldserve.net/ - Functionally empty http://www.brahy.com/ - you must be kidding me http://www.techmantra.com/ - Irrelevant? Looks like a squatter http://www.hawkridgetech.com/ - placeholder w

Bug#264637: [pryzbyj: updates]

2004-08-09 Thread Justin Pryzby
consultants@ doesn't seem to care. - Forwarded message from pryzbyj - To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: updates Hi, I was perusing the consultants page [1], and thought you should know about the following: - 3-c.net appears to be no longer associated with Lynden Lindahl - http://gsc.sk.

Bug#264637: www.debian.org: consultants page out of date

2004-08-09 Thread Justin Pryzby
Package: www.debian.org Severity: normal I'll forward a list of needed changes when I get a bug #. -- System Information: Debian Release: 3.1 APT prefers testing APT policy: (101, 'testing') Architecture: i386 (i686) Kernel: Linux 2.6.7 Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=C