GNOME-SESSION-FLASHBACK is THE BEST Desktop Environment, this is the reason =

2022-09-27 Thread ISRAEL
*GNOME-SESSION-FLASHBACK is THE BEST Desktop Environment,* *this is the reason =* *All DEs now often fail to send SMS Verification Code from Google/GMAIL, Only * *GNOME-SESSION-FLASHBACK is always successful (installed in XFCE4 session).* *Debian should make =* *DEBIAN NON FREE Gnome-Session-Flasb


2008-01-07 Thread Israel Lehnen Silva
Please update my email and webpage of vendor Debian. My old mail is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] My NEW mail is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] My old webpage is: My NEW webpage is: My name for confirmation of integrty is: Israel Lehnen Silva, Canoas - RS - BRAZIL