Bug#290187: www.debian.org: packages.debian.org recently got uglier in non-CSS browsers

2005-01-12 Thread Brian Sammon
Package: www.debian.org Severity: normal This change has happened in the past week or two, as far as I can tell; I look at packages.debian.org at least once or twice a week. When I look at a package info page with my non-CSS browser, where it used to display a graphical bullet color-coded to the t

Bug#235513: webpage claims razor woody package depends on packages not in woody

2004-02-29 Thread Brian Sammon
Package: www.debian.org According to http://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/razor razor depends on libtime-hires-perl , which is not available But here it is: http://packages.debian.org/stable/libs/libtime-hires-perl