Bug#430155: ipv6 mirror list

2007-06-23 Thread Bjoern Boschman
Hi, as far as I know not all CC mirrors support IPv6. I also do not believe that this is gonna be the case in near future. It's also not yet practicable to define v6 connectivity as a mandatory requirement for CC mirrors. I recently updated my list [1] which is unfortunatelly not repres

Re: New Debian Site

2006-11-07 Thread Bjoern Boschman
Hi Mathieu, from my point of view the problem with design #1 && #3 are those round content boxes because you always loose a lot of space. My personal favour is design #4. Mathieu Stumpf schrieb: Hello, I've worked on some new design for the debian website, tell me what you think about, whi

Re: Updating debian.org

2006-10-13 Thread Bjoern Boschman
Hi Mrs./Mr. unknown, http://www.debian.org/devel/website/ might be a good starting point for reading. Unfortunately the debian-www lists doesn't seem to be a very activ list at the moment. Bjoern HXC schrieb: In my humble opinion the debian.org website could use some updating. e.g. Reeval

[Fwd: [Fwd: ipv6 mirror list]]

2006-10-03 Thread Bjoern Boschman
Hi list, maybe someone on this list is willing to reply. Bjoern --- Begin Message --- Hi, I've already written this mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] without any reply. Therefor I'm gonna forward it to debian-mirrors list. Cheers Bjoern --- Begin Message --- Hi, currently the mirror list [0] doesn'