Better visibility of "what can you do with Debian" on the Debian main page

2011-04-12 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Yodel! (I'm obviously picking up on the discussion sparked by the Med@Tel report/ blends on the main page thread) I had a quick look at the and pages. I think the "blends on main page" is a sub-topic of "what can you do after you've installed Debian." On both the a

Bug#620035: distrib/pre-installed: list of countries

2011-03-29 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Package: Severity: minor -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, cvs diff: Diffing . Index: pre-installed.wml === RCS file: /cvsroot/webwml/webwml/english/distrib/pre-installed.wml,v retrieving revision 1.18

Bug#615938: Improvements to the "Ports" page: non-linux & arm stuff

2011-03-12 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Hi, Thanks a lot. Merge error? --- index.wml 12 Mar 2011 11:01:32 - 1.87 +++ index.wml 12 Mar 2011 12:28:44 - @@ -167,7 +167,6 @@";>armhf - Port to big-endian ARM machines, especially to Linksys NSLU2. A lot of modern ARM boards and

Bug#615938: ARM on the ports page

2011-03-02 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Hi, On Wednesday 02 March 2011 11.39:12 Hector Oron wrote: > arm is not part of current stable release (Squeeze). Should it be > entirely drop it from the website? lenny was stable not that long ago and still gets security updates. I'd say drop it after wheezy release. cheers -- vbi -- You c

Bug#615938: ARM on the ports page

2011-03-01 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Heyho all! Thanks for your input. As per this discussion (changed wording for arm/armel; dropped armeb), full diff with some changes against the current index.wml below. Can somebody commit this? I don't have commit access to www. cheers -- vbi +++ Index: index.wml =

Bug#615938: ARM on the ports page

2011-03-01 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Hi, I proposed a few improvements to the "ports" page on www.d.o, some touching the ARM status. Since I'm not involved with porting myself, perhaps some of you may want to comment. I'm especially unsure about the armeb port - it wasn'

Bug#615938: Improvements to the "Ports" page: non-linux & arm stuff

2011-02-28 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Package: Tags: patch Hi, I've noticed a few issues with www.d.o/ports (these are orthogonal to the stuff discussed in #611830): * Non-Linux ports: now that kFreeBSD is released, the "non-Linux" title probably should just be dropped, since "non-Linux" is not really just a sub- ca

Re: Bug#61383Re: Debian sister association in the merchandise page

2011-02-17 Thread Adrian von Bidder
On Thursday 17 February 2011 19.17:58 Francesca Ciceri wrote: > So, what you think about it? Yes, I think the patch shows the direction I had in mind. Not sure if it should say for (and other such organisations, if they should come to be listed here) "the vendor is a Debian organisatio

Re: Linden Lab (Second Life) using Debian

2007-04-02 Thread Adrian von Bidder
On Monday 26 March 2007 16.24:25 MJ Ray wrote: > [...] too much news-style ick in the user > list. That would make it have less impact, as readers will notice and > may discount it as marketing more than reports. Hmm. This begs the question of the purpose of this users list. * we want to show th

Re: Linden Lab (Second Life) using Debian

2007-03-25 Thread Adrian von Bidder
[please keep cc:ing me, I'm not subscribed to d-www] On Sunday 25 March 2007 20:47, you wrote: [debian users list entries.] > Please be aware that debian-www doesn't write the entries, as I now > realize you were expecting in the original mail.  The guidelines are at > the bottom of the page. As

Re: Linden Lab (Second Life) using Debian

2007-03-25 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Yo, I guess I owe you an apology, and thanks for taking care of it now. On Saturday 24 March 2007 13:19, MJ Ray wrote: > 1. You're asking people to do work; Yep. I did some work, too, and I don't have permission to do the rest of it. > 2. I'm damned busy and I only got commit access to work o

Linden Lab (Second Life) using Debian

2007-03-24 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Hi all, I'm a bit disappointed at this point. I followed up on the recent informationweek article to get permission to list Linden Lab as a Debian user on our users page, sent mail to debian-www a few weeks ago only to have that email completely ignored. Such stuff happening is also making D

Addition to

2007-03-08 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Yo! We can add Linden Labs (Second Life) to the Debian users' page at . I've been in touch with their PR people, following the informationweek article at . I even got a quote from Ian Wilk

Re: New website layout / design contest?

2006-09-05 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Paul Belanger wrote: [ Debian web site is not really good ] On Tuesday 05 September 2006 14:23, George Danchev wrote: > Seems like this website issue has already been addressed: > (note: url is intentionally wrapped) > > 2006-0

Re: mirror size

2006-02-27 Thread Adrian von Bidder
[debian-www: lower part of this message. Topic came up on -project] [Michael: cc:d, I don't know if you read the debian-project mailing list] On Monday 27 February 2006 16:16, you wrote: > I tried already to mirror the mirror ... but after ca 170G > my harddisk was full ... :-( Mi

Re: Woody release notes: is obsoleted by sarge now.

2005-10-22 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Sorry for the messed-up references header. Please cc: me - I don't follow -www Frans Pop: > On Thursday 20 October 2005 21.32, Adrian von Bidder wrote: [woody release notes don't point to sarge] >> /me points to <> which even includes a

Woody release notes: is obsoleted by sarge now.

2005-10-20 Thread Adrian von Bidder
On Thursday 20 October 2005 04.36, Horms wrote: > On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 07:34:00PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > For the 2.2 is written here > > the following : > > "Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 has been obsoleted by Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 > > ("woody"). Sec

Bug#325698: child distributions

2005-08-30 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Package: Version: N/A Tags: patch Yo! changelog: * demudi is part of agnula (and: isn't it a cdd now and should be dropped here? It is mentioned in ) * Mention Damn Small Linux * Corel Linux is dead - I don't think we n

Bug#323770: woody obsoleted by sarge release

2005-08-18 Thread Adrian von Bidder
Package: Version: (20050818) Yo, Similar to the release information of older releases... greetings -- vbi Index: index.wml === RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/releases/woody/index.wml,v retrieving revision 1.25