Bug#1001738: 404 on www.debian.org/releases/testing/*/release-notes/

2021-12-14 Thread Andrew Beel
Package: www.debian.org Version: current The release notes for all architectural variants of the 'testing' release are inaccessible. Attempting to access the corresponding URLs produces 404 (Page not found) errors. For instance, the URL for the amd64 release notes ( https://www.debian.org/releas

Re: Securing Debian Handbook outdated on debian.org/doc

2021-12-14 Thread Holger Wansing
Hi, the manual on the website is just the package version from unstable. So, what's needed to get the content updated is simply an upload of the package to unstable. Holger Am 13. Dezember 2021 22:14:12 MEZ schrieb Patryk Cisek : >Hey all, > >I just noticed that the handbook online is behind