Re: Error on the site.

2021-06-04 Thread Pfannenstein Erik
Hi Victor, thanks for your input. From a technical pont of view you're totally right, but I'm afraid we still can't write that there. The sentence you suggested to alter is the first sentence of an article which describes the fundamental basics of an operating system to newbies. The reader may ha

Čeka odgovor na moju poruku.

2021-06-04 Thread Maria Weigert
Izvinite što sam vas kontaktirao na ovaj način, upravo sam vidio slučajno vašu poštu i pomislio sam u sebi da će se ova pošta svidjeti osobi koja bi trebala. Ukratko, zovem se Maria Weigert, živim u Francuskoj. Patim od ozbiljne bolesti koja me osuđuje na sigurnu smrt, r

Re: webwml failed (/portuguese/vote folder)

2021-06-04 Thread Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
Hi Laura, Em 04/06/2021 07:42, Laura Arjona Reina escreveu: Dear Portuguese team Thanks for your contributions to translations of the website! We're getting some build failures due to missing files in /portuguese/vote folder (see email below). [...] make -C 2019 install make[3]: Entering direct

webwml failed (/portuguese/vote folder)

2021-06-04 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear Portuguese team Thanks for your contributions to translations of the website! We're getting some build failures due to missing files in /portuguese/vote folder (see email below). I suggest committing the translations when all the files of a certain vote are ready, so it builds correctly. Yo