Who's using Debian?

2019-12-12 Thread tony lima
RDR Gestão Empresarial - SiSCom - ERP Software - Londrina - PR - Brazil

Who's using Debian?

2019-12-12 Thread tony lima
SiSCom - Sistema Comercial - ERP Software www.rdrgestao.com.br

History file

2019-12-12 Thread Kat Lee

Bug#922246: marked as done (www/lts: if DLA-1234-1 and DLA-1234-2 exist, only that last one shows up in indexes)

2019-12-12 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Thu, 12 Dec 2019 16:27:00 + with message-id <20191212162700.7pkc6jsxhwjf5...@layer-acht.org> and subject line Re: Bug#922246: www/lts: if DLA-1234-1 and DLA-1234-2 exist, only that last one shows up in indexes has caused the Debian Bug report #922246, regarding www/lts: if D

Bug #944301: WIP: [new-homepage] add icons from font-fork-awesome (except security which is from material.io)

2019-12-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi all I've committed a change in the English version of the new homepage, changing the icons to svg files taken from font-fork-awesome and material.io. See the commit below, and you can see the result in https://debian-newhomepage.larjona.net/index.en.html Some comments: 0.- all the icons use