Bug#932341: www.debian.org: Link to deleted page (/misc/related_links)

2019-07-17 Thread Alban Vidal
Package: www.debian.org Severity: minor -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Dear Webmaster team, In the 'english/international/Swedish/index.wml' page we have a link to '/misc/related_links' who is deleted since April. I propose to delete the the end of following paragraph line 59

Re: wiki.debian.org repository contents

2019-07-17 Thread Paul Wise
On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 7:57 AM Azure Zanculmarktum wrote: > Do you guys also provide the contents of /srv/wiki.debian.org/usr/doc? I assume you are talking about this: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/wiki.debian.org/tree/master/usr/doc -- bye, pabs https://wiki.debian.org/PaulWise

Re: wiki.debian.org repository contents

2019-07-17 Thread Carsten Schoenert
Hello Azure, Am 18.07.19 um 01:56 schrieb Azure Zanculmarktum: > Do you guys also provide the contents of /srv/wiki.debian.org/usr/doc > ? could be please elaborate a bit more what do you mean here? -- Regards Carsten Schoenert

Bug#657647: marked as done (/devel/people should be improved, e.g. with UDD)

2019-07-17 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Thu, 18 Jul 2019 04:26:02 +0200 with message-id <23855.55482.935993.251...@informatik.uni-koeln.de> and subject line /devel/people finally removed has caused the Debian Bug report #657647, regarding /devel/people should be improved, e.g. with UDD to be marked as done. This means

Bug#134606: marked as done (devel/people: Please provide one id/name by maintainer)

2019-07-17 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Thu, 18 Jul 2019 04:26:02 +0200 with message-id <23855.55482.935993.251...@informatik.uni-koeln.de> and subject line /devel/people finally removed has caused the Debian Bug report #134606, regarding devel/people: Please provide one id/name by maintainer to be marked as done. Thi

Bug#727738: marked as done (Updates for http://www.debian.org/devel/people page)

2019-07-17 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Thu, 18 Jul 2019 04:26:02 +0200 with message-id <23855.55482.935993.251...@informatik.uni-koeln.de> and subject line /devel/people finally removed has caused the Debian Bug report #727738, regarding Updates for http://www.debian.org/devel/people page to be marked as done. This m

Bug#924888: marked as done (try to remove the /misc section (reviewing and reorganising content))

2019-07-17 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Thu, 18 Jul 2019 01:32:10 + with message-id <5d2fcc1a4bd5b_3ef2aea8cca70dc15...@godard.mail> and subject line Bug#924888 fixed in www.debian.org has caused the Debian Bug report #924888, regarding try to remove the /misc section (reviewing and reorganising content) to be mark

wiki.debian.org repository contents

2019-07-17 Thread Azure Zanculmarktum
Do you guys also provide the contents of /srv/wiki.debian.org/usr/doc?

Bug#932252: cleanup of intro/organisation: comment from myself

2019-07-17 Thread Holger Levsen
hi, from #-www just now: | h01ger: See #932252, a major cleanup I propose, maybe to extreme. IMO we do not always need to list members. - zwiebelbot- | (#debian-www) Debian#932252: cleanup of /intro/organization - https://bugs.debian.org/932252 - KGB-0- | (#debian-www) webwml master 5b1

Helping with Debian web design

2019-07-17 Thread Matt Zand
HI everyone, I am a seasoned web developer. I've developed many custom website from group up. I like to donate few hours of my time per week to Debian website improvements and maintenance. Does anyone know where I can start? any suggestions? -- Cheers, Matt Zand Cell: 202-420-9192 Work: 240-20

Bug#884229: cannot confirm

2019-07-17 Thread Thomas Lange
Currently the URL https://packages.debian.org/sid/elpa-find-file-in-project works and gives correct results. -- regards Thomas

Processed: severity of 886792 is important

2019-07-17 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org: > severity 886792 important Bug #886792 [www.debian.org] Package search engine unusable Ignoring request to change severity of Bug 886792 to the same value. > thanks Stopping processing here. Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 886792: ht

Bug#886792: confirm

2019-07-17 Thread Thomas Lange
I can confirm this bug. I wonder why it works for other packages like gimp, fai,... If I search for linux-image but set distribution to any, I get a lot of results containing the version 3.16 and 4.19 (only bpo) of linux-image, but not 4.9 from stretch nor 4.19 from stable (buster). This is real

Bug#192748: marked as done (Debian WWW Pages License is incompatible with the GNU GPL)

2019-07-17 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Wed, 17 Jul 2019 21:41:58 +0200 with message-id <23855.31238.368950.288...@informatik.uni-koeln.de> and subject line closing has caused the Debian Bug report #192748, regarding Debian WWW Pages License is incompatible with the GNU GPL to be marked as done. This means that you cl

Bug#439674: marked as done (Way too difficult to find if some license is DFSG-free at all)

2019-07-17 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Wed, 17 Jul 2019 21:32:43 +0200 with message-id <23855.30683.481809.38...@informatik.uni-koeln.de> and subject line closing bug has caused the Debian Bug report #439674, regarding Way too difficult to find if some license is DFSG-free at all to be marked as done. This means that

Bug#188617: marked as done (www.debian.org: [front page] would like link to intro/organization from left-side navbar)

2019-07-17 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Wed, 17 Jul 2019 21:32:04 +0200 with message-id <23855.30644.797579.457...@informatik.uni-koeln.de> and subject line closing has caused the Debian Bug report #188617, regarding www.debian.org: [front page] would like link to intro/organization from left-side navbar to be marked

Bug#926086: marked as done (Most HOWTOS in /doc are outdated)

2019-07-17 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Wed, 17 Jul 2019 19:13:32 + with message-id <5d2f735c3cf13_3ef2aea8cca70dc15...@godard.mail> and subject line Bug#823237 fixed in www.debian.org has caused the Debian Bug report #823237, regarding Most HOWTOS in /doc are outdated to be marked as done. This means that you cla

Bug#823237: marked as done (References still made to the LDP)

2019-07-17 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Wed, 17 Jul 2019 19:13:32 + with message-id <5d2f735c3cf13_3ef2aea8cca70dc15...@godard.mail> and subject line Bug#823237 fixed in www.debian.org has caused the Debian Bug report #823237, regarding References still made to the LDP to be marked as done. This means that you cla

Debian 9.9 Install page

2019-07-17 Thread Arūnas Jucys
Greetings, The links on your “other images” section of https://www.debian.org/releases/stretch/debian-installer/ page are not valid links and result in a 404 response. Sincerely, Arūnas Jucys IT Programmer UAB “Avitelos prekyba“ Ph. +37064870472/+370 46 383500 E-mail. aruna...@avitela.lt

Added a page to CategoryProposedDeletion on the wiki

2019-07-17 Thread Jeremy McNaughton
Hello, I added a page to CategoryProposedDeletion on the wiki because it recommends installing upstream proprietary packages compiled for Ubuntu, intructs the user to patch files provided by packages, and for the URL not following wiki convention. Here is a link to the page with my revision. htt