Bug#920436: packages.debian.org could use vcs edit information from vcswatch

2019-01-25 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: www.debian.org Severity: wishlist vcswatch allows users with a certificate from sso.debian.org to edit the Vcs-* information of packages. packages.d.o (and possibly other systems like tracker) could use that when showing Vcs links. Let me know if you like the idea an then I can provide a

Copy of: anytheme

2019-01-25 Thread Santa Clarita Central Office of A.A.
This is a copy of the following message you sent to SCV Central Office via Santa Clarita Central Office of A.A. This is an enquiry email via http://www.aascv.org/ from: Chelsea Привет Интepecует ли Вac подpаботка по поиску и продажe сайтoв без xoзяeв Информaция дальшe http://wwormss.tk

Re : debian.net : Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning.

2019-01-25 Thread chelsawilson
Hello debian.net Owner, My name is Chelsa Wilson, and I'm a SEO Specialist. Most of the people share their anger and frustration once they get my email. But let me show you how there is so many bugs (like broken links, pages that returned 4XX status code upon request, images with no ALT te