2009-01-14 Thread Baptiste GIULIANI
emailing BGH - Spécialiste de la cession d'agences et cabinets d'administration de biens sur toute la France www.bghimmo.com SPECIAL ADB - SPECIAL ADB - SPECIAL ADB Cher Confrère, Tout d'abord, je vous présente mes meilleurs voeux pour cette année 2009. A défaut de pa

xserver-xorg-core missing changelog

2009-01-14 Thread Anupam Simlot
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. On the page I click the link for Debian Changelog (under Debian Resources on the right part of t

Simpósio Doutoral da CISTI'2009

2009-01-14 Thread Conferência Ibérica de STI
** SIMPÓSIO DOUTORAL ** * CISTI 2009 – 4ª Conferência Ibérica em Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação * *Junho, 17 – 20, 2009, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal * * http://www.aisti.eu/cisti2009

Are Jews still guilty for the crucifixion??

2009-01-14 Thread Lawrence Auster
ARE JEWS STILL GUILTY FOR THE CRUCIFIXION? Scripture teaches no one is guilty for the sins of another. We all enter the world innocent of the misdeeds of our parents. This includes every Jewish child. Yet the Bible also teaches we can become guilty of the sin of another by sympathy with it. Ch

Some minor errors in webwml translations

2009-01-14 Thread Jens Seidel
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 02:19:09AM -0700, Debian WWW CVS wrote: > CVSROOT: /cvs/webwml > Module name: webwml > Changes by: jseidel 09/01/14 02:19:09 > > Modified files: > german/devel/buildd: operation.wml > > Log message: > No full-stop after Similar errors happen also in


2009-01-14 Thread Progamela
Szanowni Państwo, Zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 18 lipca 2002 (Dz.U. Nr 144 z 2002 r., poz.1240) o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną, od 10 marca 2003 wymagana jest zgoda adresata na otrzymywanie ofert handlowych poprzez email. W związku z tym, szanując Pastwa prywatność, zwracamy się do Państwa z

Re: Remove this please

2009-01-14 Thread Frank Lin PIAT
Hello, A user has asked on debian-www that we remove a copy of his email on mail-archive.com. We replied that we can't help, and that's up to the admin over their. The mail-archive admins want a confirmation from a listmaser, because of their "policy"[1]. Could you write to m-a.com to tell them t