S.O.S. a todos os praticantes desportivos d e caça submarina.

2007-03-13 Thread Projecto CaçaSubmarina
Olá S.O.S. a todos os praticantes desportivos de caça submarina. Informação importante para que todos possam participar directamente via Internet. 1º Ler carta referente ao Decreto Lei (referencia caça submarina) por mim enviada ao Excelentíssimo Sr. Ministro da Agricultura, do D

Response to "Who's Using Debian?"

2007-03-13 Thread Kapil Hari Paranjape
Hello, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences has been using Debian for a relatively long time (perhaps since 1998 or so). We first started with the use of Debian for the "proxy" (squid) server and for our mirror of the e-print archive (custom built "apache"). We then went on to the name servers (

Re: delete a page

2007-03-13 Thread Simon Paillard
On Tue, Mar 06, 2007 at 08:29:30AM -0800, Brian Braunstein wrote: > can you please delete this posting by me or at least mask my email > address as I am getting spam because of this posting. > > thank you > > http://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2006/09/msg00143.html Hello Brian, debian-www ca

Re: Alexander von Sallwitz/HH/NDR ist außer Haus.

2007-03-13 Thread Alexander von Sallwitz
Please remove this message from the internet. Alexander Ockel von Sallwitz Buddenhof 5 21635 Jork Tel. +49 4142 3574 Fax +49 4142 889192 Mobiltel. +49 160 7836424 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe"


2007-03-13 Thread fc16 wyfc
*百度上市后股票的疯涨与雅虎中国**10**亿美金与阿里巴巴合并,成了一个热门的话题。** ** 也许您在想,为什么传统行业人家干了一辈子都达不到的成就,这些年轻人用几年的时间就达到了?** ** 世界首富比尔**・**盖茨一句话一语道破天机:**"**不是所有行业挣钱一样多**"**。* * **"**只要有宽带,只要你有雄心,不管你在哪里,都不会边缘化。竞争的立足点变平等了,小虾米和大鲸鱼可以平起平坐了。**" ** **"**小时候,我常听爸妈说:**'**儿子啊,乖乖地把饭吃完,因为印度和中国的孩子没有饭吃。**'**现在我则说:**'** 女儿啊,乖乖地把书念完,因为中国和印度

Papetarie Birotica

2007-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In atentia Departamentului Achizitii Va rugam sa ne dati acceptul dumneavoastra de primire a ofertei noastre de papetarie si birotica. De asemenea, pentru mai multe detalii puteti vizita pagina noastra web www.biroticaonline.ro Cu stima, Echipa BiroticaOnline.ro H.M.S. Future Solutions SRL Pe