Re: price of the 3 debian cds much more expensive than what it is told on the website

2006-06-13 Thread Wouter Verhelst
[debian-www isn't really the most appropriate list for this type of question; adding debian-user to the Cc list. Please direct replies, if any, there, removing debian-www from the list] On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 11:30:52AM +0200, bruno doutriaux wrote: > je pense que j'aurais pu vous parler en franç

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Selling Debian Specific Applications in Philadelphia, PA

2006-06-13 Thread tvm19520
To Whom It May Concern I have 3 specific products I can sell to Debian users in the Philadephia, PA, area. - Remote Responder(SM): o All of our service products are managed services which include Remote Responder(SM), our systems monitoring


2006-06-13 Thread Sklep internetowy ELLA
Witamy serdecznie,wreszcie mamy trochę słońca i zieleni... prace w ogrodzie ruszają pełną para a my mamy dla Państwa ciekawe propozycje na piękny pojemnik na kwiaty: Amory z koszem i Amory z szalem. Do pojemnika wystarczy nasypać ziemi i posadzić kwiaty a całość zawiesić na ścianie. Prawda,

Re: price of the 3 debian cds much more expensive than what it is told on the website

2006-06-13 Thread bruno doutriaux
je pense que j'aurais pu vous parler en français ? n'est-ce pas ?car vous semblez avoir un nom français.2006/6/13, bruno doutriaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:ok, thanks for the link.i will maybe download kubuntu. what is the difference between debian sarge and ubuntu or kubuntu ? (i know that ubuntu uses

Re: price of the 3 debian cds much more expensive than what it is told on the website

2006-06-13 Thread bruno doutriaux
ok, thanks for the link.i will maybe download kubuntu. what is the difference between debian sarge and ubuntu or kubuntu ?(i know that ubuntu uses gnome and that kubuntu uses kde). what is the gui of debian sarge ? is it multi-gui ?thanks.bruno doutriaux2006/6/12, Frédéric Bothamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED