Approved mortage rate

2005-03-06 Thread grosh lamothe
Dear Applicant, Your application was approved. You are eligible for $400,000 with a 3.7 % rate. Please confirm your information here: We look forward to hearing from you. Regards, grosh lamothe Kohen Financial Group re*mve. -> http://easy-finances.

Re: Inquietud

2005-03-06 Thread David Moreno Garza
[She is asking about the commercial intentions on Debian, if the project will turn to something similar of RedHat's support. I'm redirecting her to -project or -user-spanish, if she wants to ask in Spanish.] On Sun, 2005-03-06 at 15:58 -0500, Angela Maria Valderrama Muñoz wrote: > Buenas tardes,


2005-03-06 Thread Angela Maria Valderrama Muñoz
Buenas tardes, Me pregunto si Debian piensa en un futuro hacer lo que hizo redhat, el cual comercializo su sistema operativo y no brindo mas soporte de este. Si su respuesta es negativa, me podria explicar y justificar el porqeu no. Gracias. Angela M. Valderrama Muñoz Ingeniera de Siste

spliting /users

2005-03-06 Thread Nicolas Bertolissio
Hi, I've worked a bit on a way to split the /users page into several shorter ones, the result can be seen here: modified and new template files are attached. comments welcome. Nicolas Bertolissio -- Index: recent_list.wml ===

Bug#136998: Top Notch Financing made easy

2005-03-06 Thread Domingo House
Would you REFINANCE if you knew you'd save THOUSANDZ? Or get a Loan of 405,000.00, you already qualified. We'll get you the lowest possible rate. Don't believe me? Fill out our small online questionaire and we'll show you how. Get the home/house or car you always wanted, it only takes 35 seconds

Proofread request for security faq

2005-03-06 Thread Jens Seidel
Hi, I recieved a mail related to poor German translation of security/faq. I noticed that a few sentences were word-for-word translated and changed this to improve the translation. Nevertheless it may be useful to apply the following patch or at least to rephrase the mentioned stanzas: Index: eng