Let's see the most cheeap prices on the net [Top-Quality software]! harmful

2004-06-27 Thread Matilda
>When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman >As busy as a bee Hi boy's, Adobe PhotoShop CS 8.0 for $40 - nice deal right ? ;) retail price is $650 - great savings, huh? Microsoft Windows 2003 Enterprise Server ... Only $50, You s'ave $3869.00 bucks! CorelDraw Graphics Suite V

The best way to Sa,ve big money - by ordering soft from chea p-cd! prod

2004-06-27 Thread Kenneth
>Good things come in small packages. >What boots up must come down. >Never choose bedlinen or a wife by candlelight Good day Sir! Looking for not expensive high-quality software? We might have just what you need. Microsoft Office XP Professional ... Only $45, You s'ave $450 bucks! Mi

Re: ventas@linuxenmexico.com

2004-06-27 Thread LUCILA
Me alegra haber  recibido nuevas de ustedes y espero cumplan con el compromiso que hace de entregar en la ultima semana de junio los pedidos pendientes. Respecto a su indignacion, si hubiese tenido la decencia de comunicarse con sus consumidores y explicarles lo ocurrido se esperaria una ac

Buscamos distribuidores en Uruguay

2004-06-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Buenos dias, Está recibiendo este mensaje ya que su dirección de email aparece listada en el directorio público de Google.es relacionado con "Informática en Uruguay", por lo que entendemos que le pueda interesar nuestra oferta. Queremos presentarle nuestra empresa, PueblosNet.com Ofrecemos lo

Keyword not found error after searching from this Debian page

2004-06-27 Thread Keith Christian
Hi, I tried to use multiple keywords, namely: font old english from this Debian search page: http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages and received Keyword not found on the search results page. Searching again yielded Error: "font old english" is not a valid search re

Re: Mail Delivery (failure mark@zenit.org)

2004-06-27 Thread mark
This is an autoresponder. I'll never see your message.

Re: you have to see this

2004-06-27 Thread mikehodge
hi how are you